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After a few minutes of chatting, the other group started to have a chat with us too.

They all chat with them, while me? Just smiling at them

Socializing isn't my style

I'm shy to have a conversation with this dude beside me, so I just played the hem of my shirt and sips my frappe

"Hey" The dude beside me said

I am quite shock because I didn't expect that he's going to talk to me

"Oh, Hi there" I said awkwardly and smiled, I'm not good with conversations

"You look like a cute squirrel" He said

My eyes widened and looked down,  I'm getting embarrassed, ugh

"U-Uh I-I'm sorry for that hehe" He said while rubbing his nape

"It's okay tho, I look like one " I told him and he smiled

His smile is so pretty, that eyes,  ugh what am I thinking.

"You look cute when you smile" I accidentaly said and I immediately covered my mouth

I looked at him and he is smiling like an idiot

"And you're beautiful" he said and I just blushed hardly

He pinched my cheeks and I just stared at him with my cheeks burning

"Tomato" he said while chuckling and I immediately looked away and tilted my head away so that he can't see it again

I can hear him laughing and I just chuckled

"That escalated quickly " Felix said

We looked at each others eyes, and looked away with a blush on our cheeks.

Felix just smirked and continue to chat with this Changbin guy

"Btw lets introduce ourselves personally" he said and I nodded

"Sooo I'm Lee Minho but my friends call me Minho or Lee Know, you know" he said while smiling

That's adorable

"And I'm Han Jisung and my friends call me either Sung, Han, or any just call me anything you want" I said chuckling

"And I'll call you now Sung!" He exclaimed

"And I'll call you just by your name, which is Minho" I said and I saw him blushing

A small tease wouldn't hurt right?

"Awwwwwww you look reaaaaallllyyyy cuteeeeee Minhoooo-yaaahhh~~~ Blushing hard makes you very cuuuuuuutttteeeee" I said and I saw him blushed even more and we just laugh it off

"That escalated quickly, like literally" Jeongin said and he just winked at us

Aish! You child

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