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After watching a movie , we decided to go grab a dinner and we went home after that

We are currently in his car sitting silently but not THAT awkward , it is a comfortable silence

We stopped because the traffic light is still red and we still have 89 seconds before it turns green

"Hey , gimme your number" he said

I looked at him in confused

"Uh Why?"  I asked him

"So we do have a contact to each other Sung" He said

I formed an O on my mouth and muttered 'Okay'

We exchanged numbers to each other and save each others nickname

What I put to his name is 'Minho-ssi'  then I looked at my name on his phone it says 'Sungie' but he quickly covered it nervously

I swear I saw a heart after my name

My heart started to pound harder

We arrived at my house exactly 8:30 pm

"Wanna come in?" I asked

"Nope" he said and smiled at me

"Bye Minhoooo" I cooed and I swear I saw him blush

"Bye, Jisung-ahh" He said then I went out of his car

I went to my doorstep and was about to open the door

After a while I saw his car is still not moving

I walked towards his car and leaned on the window and knock a little then the window went down

"Why are you still here? " I asked chuckling

"Ran out of gas" he said while groaning



"Oh okay" I said

"So can I come inside your house? I will hail a cab later " he ask

"Sure!" I said and I lead him the way

"Welcome to my small house" I said

"Its beautiful" he said

"It's aesthetic haha "

We went to the couch and chat randomly when.....

The outside starts to rain hard

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