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"Shit how can I get back home now? And there are no cabs passing by" he said a little frustrated

"You can sleep here if you want" I said casually

"Is it okay?" He asked

"Of course! I'm totally alone here everyday haha" I said

"Wait I'll just get ready the guest room" I told him but when I was about to go to the guest room, he grabbed my hand and I looked at him confusingly

"Why?" I asked

"I'm going to sleep with you" he said

"And why is that? "I asked him in confused

"You're afraid of thunder and lightning, right? " he said

"Oh, how did you know that? " I asked him

"Uh,  you told me earlier in the café with the others"  He said

"Oh, Okay" I said and he smiled

"Let me arrange my room first" I said and went to my room

I saw him walking behind me

Maybe he wants to see my room

I opened my room and I picked up trashes, just a few because I'm a clean freak that's why.

"Let's get ready to sleep" I told him and he nodded

"Wait I'll give you some of my clothes that can fit you" I said again

I walked onto my wardrobe and searched for some

As I was looking for some of my clothes in my closet, I saw an over sized shirt and I think that'll be enough for him

And I just picked random shorts and gave it to him

He said that he'll just take a half bath and while me , I'm going to change

After I changed , I saw his clothes that he's going to use on my bed

I just shrugged it off and went to my bed and start to ready myself to sleep

When suddenly the bathroom door was opened revealing a half naked Minho while his hair still dripping of water

I looked at him and gulped hard and I can't focus to what I'm doing because of this God infront of me

He grabbed his clothes from the top of my bed and before he went inside the bathroom...

"Like what you see? " he asked seductively and winked at me then he went inside the bathroom

And I just stared at the door processing what just happened

After he done changing , he snuggled in my bed and our body is so close

"Good night Minho-yahh" I said while yawning

"Good night Hannie" he said and kissed my forehead.

He hugged me tight and I just put my head beside his beating chest and slept inside his arms

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