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Jisung's POV

I opened my eyes and was woken up because of the brimming sunlight hitting my face.

I looked at the person beside me and I just smiled

I remembered what happened last night.

I was really afraid and I want my first time to be memorable.

Thats right! I'm still a virgin lol, even though I look like am not

And I want to give it to someone special and my one and only love

And I hope that would be Minho

I just sighed

I stood up and walked down to the kitchen and do breakfast for us

I saw a note on the ref says that Minho's parents already went to work

I continued cooking when someone wrapped its arms around my waist

I just jumped a little and smiled

He rested his chin on my shoulder and start mumbling

"Good morning Sung" he said with his morning voice

It's really sexy though

"Good morning devil" I just laughed

"Yah!" He said while chuckling

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