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Minho's POV

I smiled like an idiot and twisted the door knob and ready to go inside

I opened my door and I saw my mom cooking dinner and dad is helping her cook

I saw Jisung starts to get nervous

I just kissed his cheeks and he looked at me and smiled

"Hi Mom ! Hi Dad!" I shouted

They turned their heads on us and they smiled widely and my Mom went to us while my dad is still at the kitchen to continue cooking

"Hey mom" I said to my mom and he hugged me

He looks at Jisung and smiled at him

"Hi son, who's this ethereal being beside you?" My mom asked and winked at Jisung

"His name is Jisung mom"

"Well, hello there Jisung.  I'm Minho's mom, and that's his dad over there" My mom said and pointed to where my father at

"So you are the Han's Son?" He asked while smiling

"Y-Yes S-Sir" he stuttered and I saw him blushing

"Just call me dad " my dad said to Jisung and his eyes went wide and nodded at my dad

My dad went to my mom and helped her for the dishes for dinner

"See? They like you! Especially you're an Angel, more like a cute squirrel" I said and he smiled then he kissed my lips

I just smiled at his cuteness

We went to the living room and watched a movie and cuddled on the sofa

Cuddling is our favorite thing to do

After a few minutes , my mom and dad came and told us that dinner is already set

We sat on our respective chairs on the dining are and ate our dinner

My mom cooked Chicken Cordon Bleu, which is my fave, and other foods.

"Hi Jisung-ssi" my mom said to Jisung

"Hello Mrs. Lee" he replied and smiled

"You picked the right one Minho-ahh, he's so cute and adorable" my mom said and smiled at us

I held Jisung's hand underneath the table

I just smiled at him and he smiled back

We continued chatting while eating

After eating , I asked my mom that Jisung is going to sleep here and she replied 'yes' immediately

I just chuckled at my mom's silliness

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