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I woke up feeling someone is wrapping me on a hug tightly

I looked up and saw Minho's face sleeping soundly but cutely

I continued staring at his face for about a few minutes

After a few minutes , his eyelids starts to move and his eyes starts to flutter

He looked at me

"Good Morning Sung" he said and hugged me even more, not wanting to let go

"Good Morning Minho" I mumbled and dug my face onto his chest

After a few minutes, I pulled away and stood up from my bed and when I was about to go , Minho grabbed my hand harshly that went me back to my bed and he hugged me tightly

"Why?" I asked curiously

"Lets cuddle" he said

"Aish! I'm not even your boyfriend" I told him and smiled at him teasingly then went out of from my bed

I was about to exit the room, but
I heard him say 'Yah!'

I just chuckled and went to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast

After I cooked breakfast , I shouted at him that the foods are cooked already

I saw him walking on the stairs going down and he's grumbling something that I can't hear

"Yah! What took you so long?" I asked

"Nothing" he said and I just furrowed ny eyebrows

We continued eating quietly

After we're done eating , I put our plates to the dishwasher

"Yah! Did I do something wrong?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied

"And what is that?" I asked

"You left me" he said and pouted cutely

"Thats it?" I asked while chuckling

"Yeah" he said

"I'm sorry okay? What can I do to make up with you?" I asked

He just smirked

Oh, this is going to be so bad

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