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"You have to give me 3 wishes and do whatever it is" he said

"And what is it?" I asked with an unsure tone

"Number 1 , cuddle with me when I asked or said to" he said very proudly and I just snorted then laughed loudly

"Yah!" He shouted in embarrassment

"Okay, go on"

"So my 2nd wish! Is when we meet up we should hold hands in public" he said while wiggling his eyebrows

"I'm not even your boyfriend" I said and rolled my eyes at him

"And lastly , let me court you" he said while smirking

I looked at him in shock

I can feel my face starts to heat up

"Wh-wh-what?" I asked while stuttering

He just smirked at me

"Ugh, fine"

He smiled widely showing his gummy smile

"Happy?" I asked while staring at him blankly

"Yes, and as if you don't like it" he said while wiggling his eyebrows

I just rolled my eyes playfully and smiled

"So for now! Lets cuddle on the sofa" he said

I hesitated at first because it is really new to me

I can feel that I have a crush on him too

He just dragged me to the living room and plopped on the sofa, he grabbed my hands and landed on top of him

Our eyes met and stared at each others eyes for a while

I broke our eye contact and snuggled

We just cuddled on the sofa until lunch

*Time skip*

It's already lunch time but we're still cuddling on the sofa with a movie playing

When suddenly, the door went open widely

"Hellloooooo!!!! Sonnnnnnn!!!!!" A girl's voice said

Shit! I forgot that my parents are coming home today

We jumped away from each other

"Well hello to you too" my mom and dad said to Minho


Welp, "Court" is like flirting to your lover, like...

Don't mind the second statement,  it's just nonsense, I mean it's okay but, it's a fuckin animal 😂

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Don't mind the second statement,  it's just nonsense, I mean it's okay but, it's a fuckin animal 😂

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