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Jisung felt a small tap on his shoulders

Jisung looked at the person and his eyes went wide to see an ethereal being

"U-Uh Yes?" Jisung stuttered

"Can I sit here? There's no available chairs in this café anymore" The guy said while smiling

"Is this a some kind of remake on what happened to us the first day we've met?" Jisung asked while laughing

"Maybe??" Minho said while chuckling

"What did you order?" Jisung asked

"What we ordered the first time"

"You still remembered those?" Jisung asked

"Of course, they are memorable"

"I love you Jisung"

"I love you too Minho"

Minho leaned in to Jisung but was met by a straw

"Drink this frappe, that tastes better"

"Yah! Give me my kisses"

May 08, 2019

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