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Minho's  POV

I was awaken because I heard some giggles

I opened my eyes and saw Jisung looking at me while giggling

I smiled and kissed his forehead

"Why are you giggling while I was sleeping?" I asked while smirking

"Because you're really cute while sleeping" he said while giggling

"And you are beautiful even though you are drooling sometimes" I said and chuckled

I saw his eyes went wide, he immediately wiped his lips and he was about to talk but nothing came out of his mouth.

I just ruffled his hair and sit on the bed while leaning on the head board

"Y-yah! Th-thats n-not true" he said while stuttering

I laughed at his cuteness

"Okayyy whatever you say!" I said

I stood up and went to the other side of his bed

I went to him and leaned on him and pecked his lips

"Let's go down?" I ask

He smiled and stood up too

We walked downstairs while holding hands

We went to the kitchen and to my surprise, I saw my parents cooking breakfast

"Oh! Hi Mom ! Hi Dad!" I said and my parents greeted us back

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Lee" Jisung said and they smiled

"Just call us mom and dad okay?" My mom asked to Jisung and he nodded in agreement while smiling widely

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