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Jisung went first to my room to put his bag.

I went to my room and as I open the door, I saw Jisung was about to pull his shirt off but stopped immediately

"Why did you stop?" I asked while smirking

He turned around and faced me

"Why?" He asked

"Nothing, I just want to see your body" I said while smirking

"You are really pervert Minho-ssi" he said while smirking

"Yeah, I'm pervert for you" I replied while still smirking

He walked onto me and grabbed me inside, he went to the door and locked it

He put his arms around my neck

"Really?" He asked seductively

This makes me hard, help

He pushed me on the bed and he crawled on top of me

Shit! What is he going to do???

He smooch me on my neck

"You want me?" He ask huskily

I really want to kiss him

"Yes" I replied back

He was about to kiss me , but he smiled

"Nahhh I'm good" he said while bouncing off on the other side of the bed while laughing

That piece of shit

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