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We are still here at the cafe and I looked at my watch and it shows that it's already 5:37 pm

After a few minutes, Seungmin quickly stood up

"Guys! I need to get going, I'm going to the supermarket guys I really need to go" Seungmin said

We all nodded our heads then he smiled at us

He grabbed his things then someone hold his hands

"I'm coming with you" Hyunjin said

Seungmin looked at him confusingly, but nodded anyways.

They both went out from the café together and we just continued our talking session.

And I just realized that it was Seungmin's car that we used

"Hey Minho-ssi ! Can I ask a very small favor, just a small" I asked Minho with pleading eyes

I saw him gulped hard and nodded

"O-Oh sure, what is it though? " He asks

"Uh, do you have a car? " I asked

"Yes, uhm why? " He asks

"Can you drive me home? Because it's already a rush hour and it's hard to pick up a cab or anything. But if it really bothers you and uncomfortable to you, it's really okay tho" He said

"Well, Oh sure. It doesn't bother me at all, Mr. Han" Minho said

"Thank you very much!" I said and smiled at him

"Lets go?" He asked

"Sure, let's go home" I said and was about to pack my things but he grabbed my arms

"No, I mean Let's go watch a movie at the cinema" he said

My eyes sparkled after I hear that

"Your treat?" I asked while smirking

"Just do an aegyo first" he said and I scoffed

"You'll regret it" Felix said and I glared at him

I took a deep breath andddddd...










I did a very very cute aegyo

And he just grabbed my head and hugged me then he put my head on his chest

"Don't do that again.. " he said seriously

"Why?" I asked confusedly

"Look around" he said

And I looked around and I saw all the people looking at me like I'm their prey or something

"Oh" I said that

"Just! Just do it when we're alone okay?" He said and I am starting to get confused

Why does he want me to aegyo when we're alone?

When will we be alone?

What are we gonna do?



"Okay" I said

We stood up and but before we head out, we told the others that we'll be going now, Minho's arms is still on my shoulders.

"Keep safe guys! We'll be dropping them also on their houses" Chan said



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