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It's already afternoon, we ate our lunch just the two of us earlier because my parents will go back before dinner

We are here at the mall right now , buying some stuffs for the two of us

I went inside a clothing line and picked some clothes that fits my style

I bought a pair of shoes , 2 Upper Garments and 1 short and 1 ripped pants

We went inside in an another clothing line and picked simple shirts.

After that , we went inside Giordano and we just picked a new jacket

We payed this by ourselves because I insist

He wants to pay all of my stuff but I decline it rapidly

Minho's POV

After we payed our clothes and stuffs , I looked at my watch and its already 5:43 pm

We hurriedly went to the last shop and that is Miniso

I bought 5 stuff toys and a cute notebook while Jisung picked a stuff toy and a power bank

After that, we went to his car and we drove back to my house

We arrived at my house and he went inside my room and start packing his stuffs

Jisung's POV

He is whining like a kid because I'm going back home now

"Don't go yeeeeeeeeeeeeet~" he whines

I just chucked at him and I went on him and pecked his lips

"I'm going home now" I said

He just keep pouting


"I can't sleep without you" he said cutely

I just rolled my eyes playfully and smiled

" me too , but I need to go back home now because my parents aren't there " I said

"Then let me sleep there!" He exclaimed



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