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Minho's POV

After the dinner , Jisung and I went to my house because he said he'll spend a night again

I don't mind though, I really love his company, especially his cuddles and kisses

We all talked about this marriage thing

Jisung and I  declined the offer because we are still going to be in College and I'm not yet ready, so does Jisung.

They decided that we'll get married  after college and that's where Jisung and I agreed

Our parents went home already and so do we

We arrived at my house with smiles plastered on our faces

We looked at each other and smiled like an idiot


"You're just adorable" I said

We walked to the door way and walked inside

We went on our room and we changed our clothes then went downstairs

I turned on the tv and went to Netflix and chose a series.  We chose CAOS.

We watched it until we feel drowsiness is taking over us

"Sleepy?" I asked

"Yes" he replied and snuggled on my side

I smile (a/n: DAY6!)

We decided to stop at the episode 3 and turned off the tv

I looked back at Jisung and saw him all snuggled up and sleeping

God, how lucky am I with this boy

I walked towards him and carried him in bridal style

We went on my bedroom and I layed him on the bed and we snuggled at each other

This day is definitely memorable

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