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They looked at me and they winked at me

They know about my gender since grade school

"We'll just talk later" My mom said and they went upstairs

"Is your parents cool with it?" Minho asked nervously

"Yeah ! They know about it since grade school and they're very supportive to me" I said and he smiled widely and sighed in relief

"Glad to hear that" he said while kissing my cheeks

I just blushed hard

My parents went up to put their luggage and after a while I saw them walking down on the stairs

"Jisung-ahh I'm going to cook lunch now and let's grab a lunch and also you too young lad" my mom said

"Btw what is your name?" My dad asked to Minho

"I'm Lee Minho" He said while smiling

"Do you perhaps know about Lee Jong Min and Lee Seung Hee?? " My dad asked curiously

"Yes sir, they're my parents" Minho replied smiling

"Really?! They are my best friends since grade school " he said

"Really?" Minho and I asked in surprise

"Yep" he said

"Can you please told your parents that we'll grab a dinner sometime and talk about your marriage" he said

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