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I shrugged it and I saw a bunch of people gathered at my house

"Heeeeeeeyyyy!!!" They all said

They looked at us confused because Jisung is here at my house

We went to them and explained why

They all nodded while smirking at us

I just chuckled at them and I saw Jisung's face flushed red

I just ignored them. Jisung and I went to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast

They all said that they want to grab breakfast here and we should cook a dozen

After we cooked , they came to the dinner room and start digging their food

They told us that we should get a little bonding with them

They waited us downstairs

We went up to his bedroom and we chose some decent clothes

If you are wondering if have we taken a bath , my answer is Yes

We took a bath after eating

We picked our clothes and wore it

I looked at Jisung and he looks sexy af

It makes me hard!

"Hey! Calm your thing down there! Its already getting bigger and you are wearing a tight jeans!" He shouted at me while his face was covered in red

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