Red Handed

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It was 8:53 p.m. in Paris.
Adrien Agreste ran his hands through his messy blonde hair, tufts falling into his grassy eyes. He was growing tired of his endless stacks of paperwork, not expecting to stay this late.

He figured it did no harm however since Lila was working late as well. She even insisted he stay at his office so he could concentrate full force. He found it odd but decided against arguing with her.

Chugging down his third mug of coffee, Adrien shut his laptop and set down his ink-less pen. It was a long, hard day—especially since the weather was so beautifully warm and perfect.

Perhaps when Lila gets done with work they'd sit on their balcony together and finish that champagne. They'd have Paris at night as their view, along with hundreds of glowing skyscrapers to keep them company.

He also had a little radio he'd play classic fifties love songs on, such as Sinatra. It'd be late but they'd take the day off tomorrow to make up for lost time and gain lost sleep.

Suiting up in his Chat Noir persona was easy and quick tonight. His hair was already tossed and he was eager to stretch his legs for patrol. He was a couple minutes late but perhaps Ladybug wouldn't mind.

Sliding open his window, Adrien—Chat Noir—leapt out into the muggy summer night. He stretched his arms above his head and twisted his torso for his back to pop.

Suddenly a flash of red caught his eye, her graceful bounding soaring through the moonlight.

"Showoff." he scoffed to himself, grinning as he joined in on patrol.

Ladybug began to make her way to the Eiffel Tower to patiently wait for Chat Noir to arrive. He had a habit of showing up late but she didn't mind it anymore.

Gave her time to freely ponder ideas for her next design. Her line was due to be up right before the holidays in a few months, if she was lucky.

It still didn't have a name though which was one of the main problems. For some reason she just hasn't had any inspiration for it yet. Funny since she and her boyfriend are both artists and live together.

"M'Lady!" Chat Noir crept up behind Ladybug, earning a small screech of surprise from her.

Pressing a hand to her pounding heart, she sucked in a large breath before whacking the other hand against his bicep. "You mangy alley cat!"

"I thought superhero's were supposed to keep an eye open for anyone or anything at any given time." he teased, placing his silver baton so that it rested upon his shoulders and leaned against his head.

"I guess I've been a little stressed out lately," Ladybug gazed at her city. "I have this weird feeling but I just can't place it."

"Really?" Chat Noir asked. "I understand that fur-ling."

Ladybug turned to look at his masked face, hoping to find some other emotion other than cockiness.

"Maybe it's nothing and I just need to clear my head." she sighed, brushing off the thought to concentrate on the task at hand. Patrol.

"Let's get this over with, shall we M'Lady?" Chat Noir gripped his baton in one hand while he took off in a running start.

He flipped off of the Eiffel Tower and pulled up just in time to let the wind grab him by the lungs. He missed this feeling—that spark of euphoria.

Ladybug was not far behind, not so much concentrating on Chat as she was the dark alley ways and seeping with money banks. Those were always a top target.

After about an hour and half to the point where Ladybug and Chat Noir both wore themselves out to exhaustion, they took a breather and sat on one of the many surrounding building rooftops.

"Remind me to bring some water or something next time." Ladybug moaned, resting her tired legs.

"I can make some rather delicious but addictive lemonade if you're interested, Bugaboo." Chat Noir teased. "Ingredients include lemons, sugar, a shot of vodka—"

"Hold on, shut up."

Chat Noir held his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright. No vodka shot for you if you don't want it."

"No. No that's..not what I'm talking about." Ladybug held up a finger to silence him, her senses picking up something.

Chat's ears perked. "Sounds like a possible domestic violence."

Ladybug nodded as the two made eye contact, summing their weapons of choice if necessary. They quietly blended into the folds of night, pressed up against walls with soft feet.

Loud noises were coming from one building in particular, just a few feet away. Chat Noir swallowed his words when he noticed that it was his own.

"Look," Ladybug pointed to a dim light, an apartment where the obstruct noise was coming from.

When the moonlight hit just right, Chat Noir and Ladybug stood still in their tracks. For there, through the cream billowing curtains was his wife and her boyfriend.

Chat recognized Lila's olive eyes and Ladybug saw Nathanaël's vibrant red hair. They were shanking up all over each other—in Adrien's apartment.

"Holy shit," Ladybug dropped her yo-yo, seeming to forget about anything that was going on around her.

This must have been where Nathan was those late nights. Or why Lila insisted he stay at work.

His wife cheated on him.

Her boyfriend cheated on her.


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