Comfort In Movies

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He was still in such awe of his father's words.

   "You want me to take over?"

His father coughed. "Precisely."

"I just—I already have a job. One that I'm genuinely invested in. And I have a life—one that does not need any extra CEO business." Adrien ran a hand through his blond hair.

"Do you understand what you'd be gaining if you took this opportunity?" his father pressed.

"I do father, I do. It's just I am really trying to stay out of the public eye right now, especially with all the—"

"Divorce. I heard."

"You disapprove?"

"I never said that."

"You hinted at it." Adrien crossed his arms.

"Stop acting like such a child." his father scoffed. "Divorces aren't exactly good media."

"Is that all you care about? The media?" Adrien paced the room, his head about to implode. "Other peoples impressions of me are more important than my own?"

"Adrien, I never said that."

"Then what are you saying?" he sounded full of hurt. "I'm sorry, I just can't take over the company."

His father glared him down with such disapproval, he looked like he was about to snap. Before he had the time however, Adrien was already out the door.

He had to release some adrenaline. Anything to wear himself out until all he could do was collapse in a pile onto his bed.

His feet drew him to Marinette's apartment. He stood nearby, debating if he should intrude. He needed to check up on her anyway so it was now or never.

He knocked on her window, just barely squishing the flowers she planted outside. She answered a few seconds later, instantly brightening upon seeing him.

"Oh it's you? I thought some stray was knocking over my plants again." she teased, side-stepping to allow him inside.

"Purrincess, I'm hurt." he pressed a palm to his heart. "Hurt."

"Are you gonna mope there all night or watch this movie with me? Either way I'll be fine." she settled back into the couch, resuming the movie.

"I guess a movie wouldn't hurt." he tried to share the blanket with her but she threw another one from beside her at his face.

"Sorry to say but you absolutely stank." she scrunched her nose. "Running around all night I see?"

"That's what I do best." he wrapped up in one of the fluffy blankets. "So, what are we watching?"

"A rom-com to purposely make fun of it." she offered him some popcorn which he gladly take.

"You're not a fan?"

"Hell no." she laughed. "More of a horror fiend myself."

"I like a careful mix of rom-com, anime or rom-com anime." Chat ate a handful of popcorn.

"Wow, great variety." she snickered.

"Say's the one who genuinely enjoys watching horror movies." he scoffed jokingly, tossing a popcorn kernel at her cheek.

She gasped, throwing a handful at his face.

"Hey now," he warned, snatching the bowl. "I only threw one at you."

"If you expect yourself to win at a popcorn pelting contest you'd be dead wrong my friend." she pelted more at his face, to which he shot back with more.

They were an endless mass of laughter and giggles while the corny rom-com pinged in the background. The scene where the couple shares their first kiss, after the boy finally catches the girl's heart.

Suddenly they were aware of how close to each other they were. Their faces almost touching. Until Marinette grabbed a pillow and whacked him.

"Ok pillows are not allowed!" he wagged his finger.

"I don't see a rulebook anywhere." she shrugged, grinning ear to ear.

"You have a good point, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng." he said snootily, making sure to use his fanciest accent.

"Why thank you Monsieur Noir," she held up her pinky. "Now is there was particular reason for your intrusion on my movie night?"

"Why yes, yes there was." he coughed, clearing his voice back to normal. "I came to check up on you."

"Check up on me?" she held a hand up to her cheek, quickly shooting it down once he saw the brief action.

"Well yeah, that's what friends do."

"As you can see I'm doing just fine." she sunk deeper into the cushions of her couch.

"Good, that's what I'm here for."

They didn't speak for several minutes. All they did was watch as the movie credits scrolled across the screen, a fancy cello piece playing in the background.

"What was the plot of that movie again?" Chat broke the ice.

"I honestly have no idea." Marinette tried to think hard about it but came up with nothing. "I think one of them was dying."

"Either that or one is engaged to another person."

"Because those are the two big plots, thank you Monsieur Rom-Com."

He chuckled. "I think I preferred Monsieur Noir better."

Her face suddenly turned serious. "I..I need to tell you something. But you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay? I didn't even tell Aly—My best friend."

Chat clutched her hands in support, urging her to continue.

She took a deep breath. "My ex came back here."

"Did anything happen?"

"We talked. He—"

"He what?"

"Our argument got a little heated and he hit—"

"He hit you?"

"Yes but Chat it's no big deal." she tried to hold him down from jumping up from the couch.

"No big deal? He hurt you."

"I'm fine." she took his gloved hand and pressed it against her cheek where she had iced it after the incident. "I'm fine now."

"Is he—"

"I told him never to come back. I never wanted to see his face ever again. I just couldn't handle it." her voice faded.

"I'm sorry I didn't come the past few nights," he said quietly. "I should have come that night."

"You're here now." she fell into his chest, closing her eyes to bask in the moment. "That's all that matters."

Why did this feel so wrong yet so right?

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