To Reunite Again

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(A/N) *shows up late with a starbucks and sunglasses* i'm so sorry for the delay! have some ladynoir fluff/banter in my absence :,)

He had just come home from a double shift, throwing his keys on the counter when he picked up a piece of paper with his name on it.

He squinted wearily at the writing, scrawled quickly and messily. His hands clutched the paper tighter as he read through it, teeth gritting together.

..Due to the absence of a prenuptial agreement, Miss Rossi is requesting a two million euro settlement..

"Two million euros," Adrien's chest hurt and his head spun wildly.

He did not have that kind of money. He was on the verge of bankruptcy from all the spending Lila did courtesy of his bank account.

"Fuck." he ripped the paper as he fell to the ground.

His side hurt from the impact but all he could focus on was the words over and over: two million.

Marinette had just finished icing her feet from the long day at the bakery with constant standing and not to mention the battle today.

Chat Noir seemed out of it the entire time, narrowly avoiding attacks that she had to yell at him to watch out for.

She had some leftover pastries in the bakery display windows which she packed up neatly and into a basket for him.

Their evening nearly a week ago was something they didn't talk about afterwards. He visited two more times after that mostly just to lay on her couch and nap.

He looked so exhausted, pastries were the least she could do.

Suiting up with her yo-yo in one hand and the basket in the other; she headed to the Eiffel Tower where he said he'd be tonight.

She didn't tell him she would be there but she knew he'd cheer up if she was.

"Chat?" she asked through the darkness, smiling in relief when his blond hair became recognizable. "I brought you a little something."

His faux cat ears perked up. "You did?"

She nodded. "I stopped by the Dupain-Cheng bakery and picked them up. I'm decently good friends with the owner."

She came to sit down next to him, their legs dangerously dangling off of the edge. He opened the basket after thanking her and took a bite into a cheese danish.

"Oh my god," he said between bites. "If Heaven were a food, this would be it."

Her face heated ever so slightly. "Really?"

He nodded. "Marinette never ceases to amaze me."

Ladybug's smile was soft. "Yeah, she's pretty amazing."

He reached for another while offering Ladybug some. She agreed and took small bites while glancing occasionally back at him. He still seemed down.

"Is everything alright with you?" she asked after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. "You seemed off today."

He lowered the danish from his lips and clenched his jaw. "My personal life is turning to complete horse shit."

Ladybug's shoulders fell. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head, regaining posture. "It doesn't matter, I should've expected it."

"Anything I could help you with?"

His green eyes lost their light. "I don't think so."

"Don't think about that right now," she insisted. "Let's just stuff our faces and enjoy the fact that tonight has no B&E's."

He chuckled quietly. "That is good."

"Should I give your compliments to Marinette?" Ladybug asked after biting into her pastry. "I think she'd appreciate it."

"I think it's better to tell her myself," Chat nudged her shoulder. "Her and I happen to also be good friends."

"Are you competing against me for her friendship?"

His brow quirked. "Is that what you think is happening?"

She shrugged. "Knowing you, yes."

He laughed. "Than you are correct."

"I heard her complain once about an alley cat lurking around her apartment a while back," she said innocently. "Is there a chance that could be you?"

Chat crossed his arms. "She did not say that."

"I'm pretty sure she did." Ladybug teased. "She also said that he keeps knocking over her flowerpots."

"That was one time!" he threw his arms out to make a point. "Okay, I lied. Twice. Three times. Every time I somehow manage to knock one over!"

Ladybug snorted. "I knew it."

"Don't tell anyone about that," he warned. "I have a reputation to uphold."

"What reputation? You're an adult wearing a skintight uniform dressed like a cat."

"Cats are at least way cooler than insects."

She scoffed. "Don't you dare insult ladybugs in front of me."

His eyes began to glow again. "Cats eat ladybugs for breakfast."

"That just goes to show that cats are crazy." she laughed.

He nudged her with his shoulder once again. She leaned back into him, the force too strong that she pushed him off the edge.

"Chat!" she reached for her yo-yo.

She couldn't see him anywhere in the inky darkness, just about ready to jump off and look for him when she heard his cackling laughter below her.

"I'm a superhero, remember?" he was leaning against one of the beams, his baton in his other gloved hand. "This cat's got nine lives."

"You piece of shit!" she yelled at him between spouts of laughter.

"You're the one who pushed me," he shouted back. "Who's the piece of shit now?"

She couldn't even think of a good argument with the way he was cockily smiling at her, hair a mess and cheeks tinted pink.

Everything in her mind was swept clean in that moment except for one word.


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