Little Black Cat (Part Two)

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(A/N) lil' mental health update: i'm sorry for the slow updates. the slight ocd is slowing me down haha. typing is rather difficult. make sure to get plenty of sleep, drink water and eat something. i love you all.

"Dammit!" she slammed a knife against the wooden table. "Why did you let them get away?"

Kida held his bleeding side cautiously. "I managed to escape a dozen police but I get no credit for that."

"You let the heroes leave!" she spat. "You are an incompetence to me."

He gritted his teeth. "It was two against one."

"You could have taken out Chat Noir and then escaped." she paced the room, standing in front of the tall fireplace. "Gabriel is not going to be happy about this."

"Maybe you should hire him to do the dirty work instead so he can get off his ass once in a while!" he shouted, baring his hand that gleamed in dark blood.

She turned, black smoke rising from her fingertips and pooling at her feet. It wrapped around his neck like a noose, lifting him off of the ground as he struggled for air. She clenched her fist tighter, only waiting until his head started to lull and body becoming limp.

He fell to the ground gasping and sputtering.

"Do not dare insult him again." Celina warned. "Next time I won't be so generous."

He watched the door slam shut, the only light glinting off of the roaring fire. Kida examined himself in the long mirror, red handprints staining his neck.

He didn't ask to be a part of this life. After the death of his father, he had succumbed to the streets. Celina took him in as one of her own, sculpting a dark creature over the last decade into a killing machine.

His fist slammed into the mirror, shattering it to pieces. He cradled his hand to his chest, wincing in pain. Promises of composure were never kept. Each night as he wrapped his fists in new linen bandages, he saw his mother's face.

Disappointed at what her son had become.

Disappointed in him.

An hour and a half after the baby shower ended, Marinette sprawled across the couch with a glass, swirling the single olive left in it. Alya sighed, putting away the dirty dishes.

"Just like when we were roommates, huh?" Marinette chuckled to herself. "Except instead of moping about my lack of a love life, I'm technically engaged."

Alya quirked a brow. "Technically engaged?"

She set down the glass. "We both admitted we were going to propose and get married soon. I basically did it while all doped up on my sleeping pills."

Alya cradled Marinette's head on her very pregnant stomach. "You are a piece of work, girl."

She smiled up at her best friend. "That's why you love me."

"Unfortunately." she pulled out her phone and dialed Adrien's number. "Check in on him."

Marinette rolled over, sitting up to answer the phone. "Hi."


"Stitches not reopened yet?" she shooed away Alya who sneakily stood over by the countertop.

"Not yet." he shifted. "All thanks to Nurse Dupain-Cheng."

"How ironic." she snickered. "I'll be home in five."

Helping Alya clean up just a bit more such as stray streamers and hidden champagne flutes. She embraced her goodbye, pecking both of her cheeks before parting.

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