Fight, Fight, Cry

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Something didn't feel right.
The air felt too heavy, the thunder too loud as it cracked across the sky. Adrien swore he heard something ticking softly in the corner of his mind, each ten ticks the sound getting louder.

    "Everybody get down!" he cried out, the people in the building quickly slipping underneath the tables.


An explosion of light and heat ripped down the street, shattering the windows to pieces. Trails of dancing fire trickled along the cement, Adrien already on his feet.

He had to transform.

"Adrien!" Luka tried to find his friend in the crowd of screaming people, coughing as smoke erupted.

He didn't have time to find Luka as he ducked into one of the bathrooms to transform in Chat Noir. Split seconds later he emerged, his baton already ready to go.

"Everybody stay inside and keep below the smoke line!" Chat Noir ordered, only to be held back by someone clutching his arm.

"You need to help me find my friend." Luka said, fear tinting his voice. It was the first time he showed an emotion other than smug.

"He's here, just try to keep your eyes and mouth covered." the cat-like hero urged him, using his baton to leap into battle.

This wasn't just an ordinary storm.

Wicked laughter rang out through the deserted streets of Paris, the villain's body already visible through a wave of pure fire.

"What the hell?" Chat Noir cursed under his breath, gazing upon a mass of pure energy.

"I am Storm Breaker, feel my rage!" she hissed, her fingertips blazing with the embers of heat.

(A/N) lmao i tried

She simply pointed in his direction, sending a bolt of lightning towards him. He just barely dodged, landing uneasily on his feet.

Storm Breaker began growing angrier as he dodged her attacks, and with each blow she got even more powerful.

Until she unleashed a fortress of water, Chat Noir freezing in his place at the fifty-foot wave. The blue and jade colors wove together to form a killing machine.

His feet suddenly became actually frozen into the ground, ice holding him back. Every move and twist could not break him free.

The wave was getting closer, picking up cars and streetlight as it went. Still he couldn't move.

Suddenly his body lurched, the wind getting knocked out of him as something grabbed him. He was breathless as Ladybug swung him to safety, her face wound up with concentration.

She and him landed on top of one of the skyscrapers, catching their breath as the wave struck the Eiffel Tower, stopping its path.


"No time for that, Chat." she spun her yo-yo into a vortex, ready for Storm Breaker's next move.

"We need to form a distraction and fast." she called for her lucky charm, her vision instantly becoming spotted.

She saw Chat's hand, the tower of earth below Storm Breaker and the surfboard she just barely caught.

"When she calls for the next wave, I'll distract her." she knocked on the surfboard. "You come in from behind and destroy her tower with your cataclysm and catch her as she falls."

"Then you'll destroy her gloves. Those are the source of her power." Chat Noir nodded, cracking his knuckles as he waited for his turn to jump in.

Ladybug called out Storm Breaker's name, taking a running start with the board under her arm.

Storm Breaker's anger grew, lightning pounding down all around her as she threw her hands forward to call forth another tsunami.

Ladybug jumped off the roof, quickly placing the board beneath her and struggled to keep her balance. Guess she'd learn how to surf today.

Chat Noir used this time to sneak around the rooftops, blending into the dark sky's cover. Storm Breaker was successfully distracted.

Ladybug nearly fell off of her board when a ball of burning fire was sent towards her. She wobbled on the board.

"Cataclysm!" Chat shouted, placing his hand on top of Storm Breaker's platform.

She fell, screaming on her way down as her waves and fire hushed to nothing but a lap of water and a flicker of heat.

Chat Noir caught her just as she hit the ground, Ladybug snatching her gloves and ripping them down the sides. She cried out at the sight, her glowing yellow eyes filled with fear and grief.

The scarlet heroine purified the little butterfly, sending Paris back into its bright and beautiful blue skies once more.

Storm Breaker was left confused and crumpled in a ball, her hands shaking. "You're safe. You're safe now." Ladybug took the young woman's hands in her own, anything to reassure her.

"I'm sorry to leave so unexpectedly but I have somewhere to be." Chat pointed to his ring.

Ladybug waved him off, the woman throwing her arms around her. She cried but felt like herself again as Ladybug comforted her.

His father was expecting him.

After shooting a quick message to Luka about what happened, he was standing in front of his father's mansion.

It seemed even more like a prison now. The gates seemed taller, trees more sickly and twisted the further you walked in. He hesitated to knock, but knew he needed to.

Nathalie answered.

"Adrien, glad to see you're here in one piece." she welcomed him inside, tucking a strand of her now silver hair back into his bun. "Your father is expecting you in the master bedroom."

Unusual. His father was almost constantly in his study, locked away behind tall doors and monochrome paintings lining the hallway.

He nodded his thanks before heading up the steps, noting how eerily silent it was except for the sound of his own footsteps.

When his father's door was already cracked open, Adrien lightly pushed himself through. There was only one lamp on.

It casted golden light onto his father who lay in his bed. He looked frail and sick, worryingly thin as he called Adrien closer.

"Father?" he didn't believe what he was saying.

"I'm afraid you caught me at a bad time." his father slowly leaned up from the giant bed. "Adrien, I need to ask you something."

Adrien sat on the corner of the bed, urging his father to continue. "I want you to take over my job as CEO and foresee the future of my company."


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