The Phone Call

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(A/N) Dedicated to my friend, Kate. You all will figure out why soon.

Adrien practically slammed the door shut and leaned against it with a heavy sigh. Marinette was questioning him from the kitchen, wearing a power suit that he picked out for her first day of work.

His hair was a mess and his clothes were stained with sweat, blood and tears. He was more than thankful to be given a chance at the hospital but if wearing him down to the bone already and he wasn't even thirty.

"You will not believe my day." he unzipped his heavy coat.

"Is that blood all over you?" she almost reached out to touch it but pulled away.

He sighed. "Yes, and it gets worse."

She puts away groceries as he speaks, watching him frantically wave his hands in an animated way. His bags were more visible under his eyes too.

"They were severely understaffed today and they pushed me into the delivery ward. I am forever scarred." he shivered.

"Weren't you just talking about being a dad?" she snorted.

"Not anymore. That looked painful. We can just adopt." he poured himself a glass of wine.

"Thank god you're not the one having to go through labor and have the babies."

"I know right?" he downed half the glass already.

She rolled her eyes. "My day at work wasn't much better either. Your father made me an intern which meant coffee city all day. Some people thought I was actually sleeping with Gabriel since I got the job so easily."

He winced. "Thanks for putting that image in my head."

"Believe me I felt the same way too. They treat like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada." she shook and bottle of juice and paced around the kitchen.

"And I know that because you made me watch it last weekend." he remembered the horrific date they had and once again shivered.

"Correct." she did a thumbs up.

"Are you comparing my father to Miranda Priestly?" his lips slipped into a smile.

"Precisely. Except his hair isn't completely white yet and he doesn't wear the big fur coats." she sipped at her juice as Adrien refilled his glass.

"Yet. I saw them in the back of his closet in high school. I think it's Prada or something like that."

"My sweater from high school weeps."

"I like that one." Adrien's shoulders fell.

"The brown one?"

"Oh, right. Never mind. I can buy you a new one." he winced.

"With what money? You and I are completely broke."

The phone rang, interrupting their conversation. Marinette twisted the cap on her juice and picked it up to her ear. "Yes?"

"Girl, I have some big news." it was Alya.

Marinette held up a finger to shush Adrien who gave up wondering who it was. "Is it as big as the time you told me you saw a pigeon eat a pizza on the subway?"

"No!" Alya screamed into the phone. "I'm pregnant!"

Marinette screamed into the phone as well causing Adrien to jump and almost drop his glass. "Who's annoying now?"

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