Chapter 10

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"Why was Hemmings kissing your cheek!" Michael repeated himself sitting in the seat next to me. Michael was furious. I couldn't look him in the eyes when he was like this so instead I pretended to take a fascination in his blue hair. Luke sat down in the chair opposite you.

"Mike, do we have to talk about this now?" I said tying to keep my voice down. 

"Yes, we have to talk about this now." Michael clearly was not taking that same approach as me.

"Mike, please. Try and keep it down." I said touching his arm gently. 

"Trouble in paradise?" Luke asked from across the table. Michael scowled at him, his jaw clenched tight while his hands gripped the edge of the table. 

"Michael, just calm down and I'll explain after dinner. Now please try to act normally." I whisper as Lisa starts to make a toast from the end of the table. I can barely hear her but decide to smile and look as though I can.

"How can I calm down when the school dealer, the only person I told you to say away from may I add? Is kissing you and giving you googly eyes across the table." Michael whispered through a forced smile. We raise our glasses to Lisa toast.

"It's not like I did it on purpose. I just met him; he didn't tell me his name. I just found out he is Luke. The Luke I’m meant to be impressing. I didn't know he was Hemmings."

"Jesus Christ this just keeps getting better doesn't it?" 

"Why are you over reacting Michael? I just spoke to the boy it's not like he screwed me." I said in a hushed voice.

"Not yet. If you'll excuse me." Michael said to everyone around before pushing his chair out.

"What does that mean?" I whisper. 

"Don't follow me. I'll find you if I want to talk to you." Michael whispers in my ear before fake smiling and pushing his chair in. 

"Is your boyfriend okay?" The elderly lady on my left said. I let the boyfriend comment go as I really didn't want to get into a conversation with her about how cute we looked together. What, believe it or not, I've had multiple times.

"Yes. He's just starting to get a headache and needs a bit of air." I smiled at the lady and she smiled back giving my hand a friendly squeeze. I played with me food rather than ate it. Michael really did not like Hemmings, I knew that, but I never thought it was to this extent. He still hadn't told me why he didn't like Luke, but it had better be a damn good reason for him to act like this.

The main course and dessert came before everyone started milling out of the dining room. In total I think I'd eaten about six mouthfuls throughout the whole meal. Michael had not returned, however the old lady next to me had been rather interesting. She's told me she had liked Michael, my boyfriend to her, hair. She had also told me that the 'extremely handsome young chap' across the table kept looking at me. She thought it was most adorable, along with little glances of Luke myself.

"And I tell you what they never come as handsome as him." The lady whose name was Lynda said in regard to Luke. 

"Lynda, you wouldn't mind if I take Lea for a bit would you?" Luke asked putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Not at all my, darling Lucas. Talk as long as you need." She said with a smile and a wink. "Go get him. You only live one" Lynda added even thought she still thought I was with Michael. Her words before was 'Even if you're full it doesn't stop you from looking at the menu.' She had improved my mood.

"Thank you." Luke smiled before pulling my chair out and taking my hand. "We have to mingle with the adult's apparently." He said through a fake smile. 

"I'm up for playing happy families as long as you answer a few questions."

"Deal." Luke said guiding us over to a group of men. The all seemed to be laughing, each with a glass of what looked like whisky in their hand.

"Lucas." One of the men said opening up the circle."Who's this lovely lady of yours?" Luke's hand went to my lower back, making the sink under it tingle.

"This is Lea. I believe you know her father, Timothy Stormson." I put my hand of Luke chest, moving closer to his side. By know I knew how to impress these men. All you had to do was act like you were completely in love with any boy you were with.

"She is most lovely. Lucas, my young friend she is defiantly a keeper." The man winked. Over the years I learnt to smile at these comments and embrace the fact I would be spoken about as if I was not there.

"Oh, she defiantly is." Luke said kissing my cheek once again. "Lovely seeing you."

"Must catch up soon. Don't let her out of your site Lucas, my friend." He man called as we walked away. 

"You are very good at this." He admits.

"I could say the same to you." The people here worked in weird ways. Pretend you’re a teenager in love and they'll leave you and your parents alone. But the instant you’re seen without a significant other at your side, both you and your parents get questioned. I've been told it's all about the parents wanting the best for their children by getting them a partner in the same 'social class' as them. But considering everyone here was or had been on missions at some point, I found that story hard to believe. "So you've known it was me all along." 

"From the moment you opened your mouth. The ascent is a giveaway."

"So, how do you know me? I can't recall meeting you before."

"It’s more exciting if I don't tell you."

"That's not an answer."

"Well technically it is an answer, just not the one you wanted." He smirked.

"My darling Lucas. I'm so glad to see you've finally found a nice young lady." A middle aged woman said as we strode past.

"Aunt Julia, I never knew you'd be here." 

"There are a lot of things your father does tell you my darling." She said smiling and touching a hand to his face gently. "Do you mind if I speak to your lady for a second Lucas?"

"Not at all. As long as you promise to give her back." Luke joked. He kissed my cheek before walking off into the party.

"You two put on a very good front, I must say Lea." I tried not to look startled at her comment or the fact she knew me as well."It's alright love; your father tells me everything. You probably don't remember me from when you were a little girl."

"I'm sorry, I can't say I do." 

"Well that's okay love. I'm meaning to talk to you about Lucas. You see the families want you two together, for reasons I must not express to you, but you must know he never gives himself completely away. Be careful with him, you never know what side he's on." she smiled before continuing. "Just trust you gut. If you ever need anything, tell Mark you need to see me." 

"I'm sorry to rush your conversation but my father wants a word with Lea." I heard Luke's voice appear at my side.

"We were just finishing up here. You two make the most beautiful couple." What did she mean 'you never know what side he's on'?. Why would I need to trust my gut? Julia was a lovely lady but I couldn't help thinking she was a few sandwiches short of a picnic. 

"Thank you." We said in unison. 

"Why does your dad want to see me?" The only encounter I'd ever had with him was briefly at the start of the night.

"He wouldn't say. I'll tell you know he doesn't sound too happy." He replied. Dave didn't look happy when I met him earlier either. I'd got a bad vibe form him. It was a cold, chilling vibe, the one's that should send me running. There was something not quite right about Dave, I felt as if something didn't quite add up with him. He always looked stiff and worried. Even with a drink he never eased up. What had I got in for me? 

Why is Michael acting like this? and what's up with Dave? The Hemmings family seams to be full of secrets. 

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