Chapter 24

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My mind was working in overdrive in order to process all of the information. "Does everyone make that much of an idiot of themselves when they are drunk or is it just me?" I said laughing out of embarrassment.

I remembered nothing what so ever of what Luke had just told me. I felt like an idiot. Who gets so drunk they can't remember anything. I was warned about drinking at yet I still got black-out drunk.

"It's everyone not just you. Don't worry," He said chuckling. His chuckle was always sweet, reassuring, honest - comforting to me. "Hey what are you doing the rest of today?" Luke said intertwining his fingers. I noticed they were swollen, purple and split. Even I could put two and two together.

"Well I'm supposing to be training Michael who, may I add, is very hangover and banged up." Not once did his eyes leave his hands. Sometime I wish I could slip Luke some truth fluid. He never gave a straight up answer. It played with my mind - He played with my mind. "You know I wish you and Michael would just sort this out. And properly," I said looking at his hands."I'm not always slow to catch on."

"I don't want to talk about it." Luke said with a note of regret in his voice. "Would you like to spend the day with me?" He asked finally looking up from his hands. His eyes bored into mine. My heart seamed to relax. The overwhelming urge to reach out and touch his bare skin filled my blood. Bees seamed to fly around my brain making everything incomprehensible. Dazed in the trance of Luke my phone buzzed in my pocket - perfect timing.

It was Michael. Obviously. I answered the call with a sigh. The trance was broken. The urge was still there but not a livid and intense as before.


"Lea, nice to hear how enthusiastic you are. You're dad's home he asked me to call you." He said sounding extremely pissed off. When Michael was pissed of the end letters of words became very harsh sounding. It was the hint for you to start running for the hills.

"You don't sound the happiest either. Thank you very much." I added.

"Well, Lydia won't tell me where you are so I'm guessing you're with Luke." I didn't answer. I was frankly scared of getting a pissed of rant from him. "Thought so. Anyway, getting to the point, your dad wants' you home. We've got another dinner date thing."

"When does he want me home?" I asked reluctantly. Dad said when I moved here we'd have to go on a couple work events. I didn't know it'd become a daily thing.

"Technically an hour ago. So as soon as possible. It's starts at 2 and ends at 11. And don't worry lover boy will be there too so you don't have to be apart for long." Great. I thought to myself it was now 12:30. Even if Luke gave me a ride we were sure to be late.

"Right I'm on my way. Please try to calm him and yourself down by the time I get back."

"Try is the key word there." Michael added sarcastically. "Oh, and you have a new dress. Today's colour is red." Michael joked.

"Good god. I'll see you." I said hanging up. "Turns out I'll be spending today with you after all. We have a dinner once again." I said turning to Luke. His jaw was clenched making the muscles practically jump from his defined face. "What's up?"

"That was Michael?" He half asked half started. I nodded. He nodded back. This relationship of Michael and Luke's was hard to figure out. Where they once friends? Or had they always hated each other? Did they always speak each other's name like poison? Or had one of them betrayed the other? I couldn't work out quite where they stood with each other.

"You know we are just friends right?" I asked, placing a hand atop of his. The tingled of his hands moved throughout my body.

"You should start getting ready." Luke said weakly smiling back at me. "I'll give you a ride.

Luke was acting weird today - Weirder than normal. He seemed down, upset, not as cockily and charming as usual. Something was up. And no, not in the good way.

The ride home was filled with awkward chit chat and shy smiles; like two 12 year olds on a first date. The tension was unpleasant and seamed to scratch my skin. I thanked Luke for the lift before jumping out of the car and swiftly walking into the house.

"Boys are weird" I muttered to myself.

This routine seemed to be getting more and more familiar. Doing my hair and make-up then putting on an expensive dress. At least I could now do my own make-up. Slipping some shoes on, I checked myself in front of the mirror once. The tight red material hugged all the right places. Today the front rather than the back was revelling.

Running my hands over the red material I looked at myself and really looked. I felt like a tool in some kind of twisted game. A dolled up piece of a game. I didn't like it. My mind was set; I'd tell Michael what had happened. Surely Dave wouldn't know. Why had I been so scared of him? Why was I so sure he'd find out before?

Confident in my plan I walked down stairs. "You do know I don't like any of this." I exclaimed to my father, mark and Michael.

"I don't know what you mean darling." My father said. "You look breathtaking."

"I know I'm just a barging to get on good terms with Dave."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Come along we are already late." My father was an exceptional liar, no question about it. Everyone seemed to be keeping some kind of secret from me. I shoot my head slightly before walking out of the door. My mood had gone from good to okay to crap in the space of about ten minutes.

The 'ball' as mark seemed to call it was just the same collection of rich, well known or high ranked people - mainly people my father worked with. Michael did not leave my side once from the moment we walked into the mansion.

"Lea. Michael." I heard a low voice from behind say.

"Luke," I said chirpily giving him a hug. I couldn't deny he look unbelievably handsome in a suit.

"Luke." Michael said in a hostile voice his eyes bright with anger and loathing.

"Lea, do you mind if I speak to you...alone," placing his hand on my upper left arm he look at Michael.

"Anything you have to say to her you can say to me too." His hand tightened around my waist. The two boy's eyes were locked in a battle of stare down. The icy tension seemed to be filling the crowded room.

Luke cupped my face in his hand pulling me into his body, not quite touching. Michael's hand was replaced with Luke's as he lent in a kissed me softly. Our lips barely touched. My fingers lightly rested on his cheek, so lightly he barley felt it. There was no way to hide the fact I had never wanted to kiss anyone like this before. My lips came down on his, this time it was not as light touch of lips but a full embrace.

All self control was lost. Luke did not hold back this time. Breaths, mouth, lips, all one. As his body was push flat up against mine. I could hear and feel our hearts beating rapidly.

With one long kiss our bodies each became our own again. I could feel my lips, soft and tingling as I smiled.

"I said say not do," Michael muttered, his face pail with anger and sickness. Shaking his head he matched off into the milling crowd - not once looking back.

Yeah guys. Thank you for all your lovely comments. I was wondering if there was any one character or relationship you'd like me to write more of. Calum? Ashton and Lydia? Carter? Michael and Lea?. Leave any requests below or questions about anything below.

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