Chapter 15

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I walked through the door of the house to an emotional Michael. He had called me five minutes earlier and was in the same state. I took my shoes off running to the sofa and jumping on Michael.

"You said I needed to get home quick. What's wrong?" I said cuddling into his chest.

"Violet died." Michael said referring to American horror story.

"It's good isn't it?" I said as he rested him head on mine.

"Storms, I've literally been crying for ten minutes, and you know I'm not a person that cries." 'Storms' was a nickname Michael use to call me, he barley did anymore. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen Michael cry. It was probably because growing up as we did we've seen much more things than any wise adult have. After a point it desensitises you a bit.

"Mike, hug it out." I said running my hands through his fading blue hair.

"It's just so sad. They love each other so much." He blubbered. "How was Hemmings?" Michael asked abruptly changing the topic.

"Good, actually. We're going on a date tomorrow after school."

"So you guys are deciding to give timothy and Dave what they want?" Michael questioned wiping his eyes.

"I hadn't really thought of it in that way. I thought of it more of an I-think-he's-cute-and-want-to-get-to-know-him-more-kinda-way. Even if they didn't want us dating I think we would." Every word I spoke was the truth. I hated lying to Michael so I decided I wouldn't lie I'd just word what I told him in a way that didn't lie or give away the truth.

"I just want you to be careful. Please don't do what Violet did." Michael said looking like he was going to cry again.

"Mike you look like you're going to cry again. I promise I'll be careful." I said giving him a reassuring smile.

"It's just I can protect you when we are on mission's and stuff but I can't when your with him. I-I just get a real bad vibe and things."

"I know he's done something you're not telling me."

"He had to tell you this. It's not something I could or I want to tell you. Just be wary of him okay." Michael pleaded. What did he do, it was driving me insane. What was that bad that he'd done? I tried imagining situations but none seemed to fit.

"I will. Please stop worrying about me Mike."

"I'm gonna change the subject before I say something I shouldn't. So I was thinking about a plan for tomorrow." He said continuing to explain a fully thought out and frankly decent plan. It was at least better than the one I thought off. It should work, hopefully. If not he had even thought of a back up.

The next day I woke up ready to start the plan. I had learnt two things were essential for high school life; gum and the ability to forge notes. However, they where two things you never revealed you had. I walked out of my first lesson which was business. Following the directions Michael gave me I came to class room 65I, the class an ICT class was presently being held. I knocked on the door. We decided the program was complex so the person would be in an ICT class. We also looked at the grades of all of the students in each class in each year. The result of that being the only people that would be able to create something like this would be in this class.

"Come in." A voice form inside shouted. I pushed open the door to a room full of teenage boys including Cal and Carter. "Lea. What a lovely surprise." Mr Aken, my maths teacher said.

"Hi Sir. Do you mind if I ask the class some questions." I said trying my best not to lock eyes with Cal. Holding my notepad with one hand my pencil with the other.

"Go ahead." The majority of the class were staring at me in awe.

"So um could you all stand up?" I said. The class stood up slowly like it was some kind of trick.

"Boys the girl does not bite don't act like she's an alien." Cal said making me chuckle.

"Thanks Cal. Okay so I'm going to ask if you can do something and if you can't please sit down, but if you can please stay standing." The questions I would be asking were in an order where if you couldn't do one you could defiantly not do the one after. "First question. Can any of you teach someone to play a computer game? Explaining every aspect?" This question was because you needed to understand even something as simple of a thing as a computer game to be able to do anything with a code. Only two boys sat down. "Second question. Can any of you write a code?" Five boys sat down leaving 16 standing. "Third question. Can any of you write an alger rhythm?" Eight sat down. "Last question. Can any of you hack anything? A site, a game?" 5 boys sat down leaving Cal, Carter and a boy with nearly grey hair whom I didn't know the name. "Thanks sir. Could I talk to them outside please?"

"Go ahead, just don't be too long" Sir said smiling. I strode out of the class, the three boys following behind.

"I've got one last quests ion for you. Have any of you ever written a program that has successfully hacked something? A game, a site?" Carter and Cal both raised their hands, the other boy whom I still didn't know the name of didn't.

"What's this about?" Carter asked.

"Oh I'm just writing this thing of computers and hacking and programming and stuff so I'm gonna needs both you help one day, if that's okay"

"Fine with me" carter replied.

"Defiantly fine with me" Cal said winking and turning to walk into class. "Ohh before I forget I need to talk to you at break, something that happened at the party." He said turning back. My heart stopped beating for a millisecond. Holey crap, holey crap he knows it's him, Cal is my mysterious man. I panicked to myself.

"Sure." I said as casually as I could without sounding like I didn't care. Why would he need to talk to me about that? Wasn't I supposed to talk to him? Is that why he asked Michael to ask me if I knew where his jacket was? Because he knew he'd given it to me? Why was I panicking so much it’s not like a screwed the guy? Was it? Had I? Had I been so drunk I didn't know I'd lost my virginity? No it can't be that I would have known it would have felt...different. Had I kissed him? God, why did I get so drunk?

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