Chapter 17

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"Clifford, "I called seeing his head of blue hair at the bottom of the staircase. Michael spotted me, stopping in the middle of a sea of students eger to get home. 

"We are doing that now are we stormy?" Michael said slinging an arm around my shoulders. I put an arm around his waist, pulling myself into his side before falling into step with him.

"Oh we definably are. I just thought it was a bit of a change up. Bit more sexy too." I said winking up at him. 

"Well if you think that then call me it whenever you want." Michael stuck his tongue out at me. "So what did my little spy find out today?" 

"Well, Clifford. It's either Cal or Carter. You should have roped me in before." I said with a smirk. 

"Okay, okay. Don't get to big headed you'll never fit into my car."

"Ha-ha" I mocked opening the passenger side door and sliding in. "But you have to admit you need me." I winked at his from the other side of the car. 

"Remember it was my plan in the first place." Michael said nudging me with his elbow. I turned to him shaking my head. Michael wouldn't have been able to do this without me and I wouldn't have been able to do it without Michael. It was true we needed each other. But I would not give him the stratification of telling him I needed him. Michael wouldn't stop taking about it if I admitted it. 

"Oh shut up Clifford." I said smirking at him. His face was so smug, he knew and so did I, that we were the perfect team. Neither of us would ever admit that; at least not to each other. 

"Make me Stormson." Michael said. I went to open my mouth to make a witty reply but the newly aroused tension seamed to choke my words. My lips were slightly parted as I continued to stare at Michael. He was starting back his jaw clenched. His green eyes wondered down to my lips. A muscle in his jaw clenched. I knew I shouldn't be stuck in this sexual tension with Michael but I didn't want it to stop. There had always been something between me and Michael. I'd never know if it was just friendship; or more. At this moment I wished it was more. I wished Michael would just kiss me senseless right there and then. How did three little simple words bring all of these feelings into view? 

My heart racing, the air so thick with tension it could be cut with a knife, a knock on the window made us both jump a mile. There was Carter standing by the window, he didn't quite look his happy self. Michael rolled down the window. 

"Alright Carter?" Michael coughed asking with a perky tone. 

"Yeah, just wanted to clarify something. With Lea actually." His gaze shifted to me. 

"Shoot." I replied. 

"Are you really going on a date with Hemmings?" as soon as the word 'Hemmings' left his mouth Michael's head snapped around to face me. Both sets of eyes were locked on me. Carter's was filled with curiosity, Michael's filled with anger. 

"Yeah. Where did you hear that from?" I asked. The muscle in Michael’s jaw jumped once again; unfortunately this time it was in a bad way. I swallowed hard, I knew as soon as Michael rolled up the window I would get a lecture off Michael. 

"Hailey. She said you'd be with Michael and I should go ask for myself." Carter said. "Just making sure she isn't spreading bull like she usually is. Bye guys" He put a hand up waving as he walked away. 

Michael rolled up the widow. "I wish it was bull..." Michael muttered under his breath. "I can't believe you." Michael said his tone was husky and quiet. 

"Michael, Why are you always like this. Jesus. I'm sick of it if you don't tell me why you don't like him then you can't be mad at me." I replied trying my best not to shout.

"To hell I can. You need to understand he's no good Lea, I'm telling you." The ignition started. 

"Just tell me for god sakes." 

"Ask Luke on your little date tonight." his tone was bitter and so unlike Michael it scared me. 

"Fine, I will. But if it's something silly like he stole your girlfriend or he kissed the girl you like then you better watch out." Michael muttered something about kissing under his breath, this time I didn't quite catch it. 

The car was silent with a different kind of tension the whole way home. Lydia was already there when I got home; she practically lived there as well. I spent a good two hours chatting to her about her situation with Ashton. She was completely split. She believed Ash wouldn't do such a thing but the evidence looked pretty concrete. The more she cried the more I began to think I was an extremely insensitive person. For a while I contemplated talking to her about what happened with Michael earlier. I don't know what you would called it; sexual tension? a nearly kiss? My experience in the boy/love department was being to show. I held my tongue while I continued to comfort Lydia. 

"Let' change the topic onto what you're going to wear on your date tonight." Lydia said wiping her puffy red eyes. "Has he told you where he's taking you yet?" 

"No not yet. Can you just choose for me, you know I'm new to this whole dating thing."

"We so should have started getting you ready as soon as we came in."

Lydia set to work finding clothes for me to wear. In the end she managed to get something from Carly’s wardrobe. Every minute or so she would mutter something about taking me shopping for proper clothes. Its true most of my wardrobe was dark gloomy colours.

With two minutes to seven I was standing in front of my mirror in a pair of shorts, a pretty vest and a shirt. Not something I would have chosen but it did look good. 

"Stop fidgeting you look lovely. Even though I don't really like Hemmings I still want you to have a nice date so advice time. Don't seem too eager, let him try and work a little. Oh and he always has to be the one to kiss you, it's a tell tale sign he likes you on a first date." Lydia said from where she sat perched on the end of my bed. I nodded, slightly tongue tied at the fact I was about to embark on my first real actual date in the history of forever. I turned away from the mirror before nervously beginning to walk out of my room.

"But what if I fuck up?" I asked spinning around. Lydia got up with a sigh, walking over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"Then he better think it's damn cute or he's not your guy. Don’t be so nervous." she walked walking be out of the room. The doorbell rang, echoing throughout the house. I made my way down the stairs, Lydia following behind. 

"I'll get it." Michael and I called simultaneously reaching for the door handle. His hand landed on mine, mine placed on the door handle. My skin buzzed, sending a shiver down my spine. Our hands were only touching for a split second before we both half jumped, half leaned back. The muscle in Michael’s jaw was going again. I felt my lips being watched. I felt extremely conscious of the low cut vest I was wearing as we stood, inches from each other in silence. The tension was back again, with Lydia standing behind us I didn't know if she world tell there was tension or not? Could someone tell that? Was it obvious I was checking him out? The way his white tee shirt hugged his biceps and torso. The way his blue hair was messed up, strands poking out at every direction, clearly he was pissed off. The way his cologne subtly filled my nose and made me want to breathe it in forever. My hand and skin still tingled from the brief touch of his. 

Sorry for the late update. Opinions on this chapter?

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