Chapter 23

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Luke's P.O.V (Flashback) 

I knew it was good for business but why did I make myself come to these things. These things being mind numbingly boring high school parties. Where everyone's aim was to get pissed and laid. How is giving yourself liver damage and a mysterious STD fun? There prospect did not appeal to me in the slightest. 

I just wondered at these events, didn't drink, only wondered; waiting for someone to buy illegal substances from me. Everyone knew who I was; everyone knew I'd be there. So anyone who wanted me knew where to find me. These events however were the perfect place to do my doughy business as, let’s face it; you couldn't exactly spot a drug deal amongst all of this. All of the bodies swaying, laughing, drinking. 

People watching was a habit I had picked up. Each party I'd pick a person and watching disintegrate into the drunken ibis. It was rather amusing to watch from a distance. 

Walking slowly over to the fire I noticed someone, a girl, practically tripping over herself. I was a drug dealer yes, but I did have a conscience. The girl stopped in front of the roaring fire. Swaying slightly she reached out a hand to the dancing flames. I ran forwards grabbing the girl around the waist and pulling her backwards. "Jesus were you trying to burn yourself. You were practically in the fire."

The girl didn't even kick or scream against me. I lifted her up throwing her over my solder. I strode over to a log, far enough away from the fire, sitting her down. 

As she faced me in her drunken state, her green eyes sparkled, her golden hair falling down off her solders. I realised I'd never met this girl before. I knew everyone in the school, even in the area. It was practically my job to know. 

Even though I'd never seen her before I knew exactly who she was. She was Lea. Lea Stormson. She had just moved from the UK where she had been home schooled her whole life. She now lived with Michael Clifford. Meaning if there was anywhere in the world I should be, this was the exact opposite of that."Your hair is su-super pretty." Lea mumbles running a hand through my hair. "I have no idea who you are." She giggled.

"I'm Luke and I'm going to take you home okay. Stay here for me two seconds I need to get you some water." I said touching her shoulder and nodding at her like she was a little child.

I knew it wasn't ideal to leave her but she needed water and there wasn't a chance in hell I would get her through the crowd of people leading up to the drinks table. Pushing my way through the sweaty bodies I managed to find one unopened bottle of water. I snatched it from the table egger to get back to Lea before she tried to jump in the dire again.

My eyes widened as the log came into sight. She was gone. "Stupid Luke. You shouldn't have left her alone. She's a drunk vulnerable girl some douche is gonna take advantage of her," I muttered, mentally slapping myself.

Water in hand I went of my search. It wasn't exactly easy seeing as she was wearing black and wasn't the tallest of people. Why couldn't she be six foot and wearing a dress with light on it?

I got a few drunken shouts and one attempt punch as I made my way through the endless mass of bodies. Still, no sign. I left for two minutes where could she have gone? I headed down to the water’s edge. There were two figures held in each other’s arms. Please say that’s her

As I approached with a determined stride the two figures turned. It was her. I had multiple thoughts about beating the living daylights out of this guy. I clenched my first taking the anger out in that instead. If I started a fight, especially with a drunk guy, it would not end well. My criminal record wasn't exactly what you would call clean. “Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. 

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