Chapter 29

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"Michael"! I called down the phone as I zigzagged though the crowed corridors. I needed to speak to him; there was no time to waste. Literally. This could make or break our mission. How had I been so dumb? How had we both missed it when it was right in front of us all along? 

"Lea?" Michael said calmly down the phone. "What's wrong?" My eyes widened the way they did when I knew something drastically important.

"I need to speak to you no...." I was cut off.

"Lea, just the person I wanted to see." said a voice from behind me. Spinning around to my surprise stood my maths teacher. My phone slowly sank from my ear.

"Mr Rayden?" I questioned hanging up on Michael. Shoving my phone into my pocket I looked up at the man. I hadn't every spoken to him one on one. He was middle twenties or early thirty’s age range. With a thick head of brown hair. Looking at him he was in fact very attractive, however I'd never noticed it before. All I knew is he didn't make me want to jump out of the two story window his maths class was on. 

"Hey. Can I speak to you for a moment in my class? I know the bell is about to go but I can write you a note for last lesson," He smiled a perfect set of straight white teeth. How was I only now noticing this? 

"Okay, sure" I said following his tone back towards his class room. My brain suddenly went into over drive; why did he want to talk to me? What had I done? What had I done that he could possibly know about? Maybe it was to do with Lydia? Sex scandals are apparently a common thing. But why would he be interested? 

The door clicked shut behind me snapping me out of a weird trance. My ears rang from the bell. 

"So, Lea." He said leaning against his desk. His white shirt rolled up at the elbows.  "Do you want to tell me anything?" 

"Ur, not that I can think of Sir?" What the hell? This was strange. My gut had knotted its self up inside of me. His hands landed on the deck behind him so his chest was pushed out only slightly.

"Are you sure? You've been hanging around Mr Hemmings an awful lot." I awkwardly shifted around the room. Where do you place yourself when a teacher is talking to you? Directly in front of them? Is that awkward? Jesus I needed to get more social skills.

"Sir I'm not really sure what you're insinuating here." The look looming in the back of his dark brown eyes told me he knew more. Something he wasn't letting on. 

"It's really not my pace to...interferer in pupils’ person life but I can see the people you hang around with. Just be wary of who you trust. I wouldn't want you to get involved in anything." 

"Sir, I can assure you that I'm perfectly fine. I'm not caught up in anything," I said leaning on a desk. It was fair to say I looked like…well an absolute tit standing there.

"That doesn't mean people...boys can't drag you into things. Especially ones that you've overlooked," he said rising a surprisingly on point eyebrow. 

My head was like gears in a machine, everything was clicking together. The rusty cogs had been oiled with information.

"I'll just write you that note," He said with a smirk that reminded me of Luke. The way he could look cocky and confident but just enough to make you want to smile, not punch them. The look that made make them look like they’d burst out into laugher at any second.

"Thanks Sir and thanks for the advice, it really helped." I said taking the note from his hands. His writing was incredibly neat but loopy.

"Thought it might," he winked. Where teachers that attractive aloud to wink at students? I totted out of the room like a zombie. I was half baffled about the frankly strange advice Sir had given me and half because of the wink. It wasn't a normal wink there was something there. Like the time Luke winked at me when he knew it was his jacket I had. 

"Sorry Miss I was with Mr Rayden," I said walking into History class passing her the note. I spotted a seat in between Calum and Carter. Plopping my bag down miss continue to teach the class on the effects civil wars have had on various different countries over the years. 

My mind was in a state of its own, attempting to process everything I had learnt over a very short period of time. 

“Psstt,” Calum wisped form aside me. “Why where you speaking to Mr Rayden?” his hand was placed on my desk as his body lent into mine.

“He needed to speak to me about stuff.” I wasn’t exactly going to tell them he was giving me advice to be wary of my friends now was I?

“What kinda stuff?” Questioned Carter, joining into the conversation. The two boys were incredibly close to me.

“Just teacherly advice,” I said shrugging the comment off. The two boys exchanged a look which I caught out of the corner of my eye.

“Just teacherly advice?” Calum questioned once again.

“Yes. Why else would he want to talk to me?” I questioned Cal, looking directly into his brown eyes. “Hum?” I said rising an eyebrow.

Calum didn’t break my stare when he spoke “Oh no reason, just curious,”

“Miss Stormson, Mr Hood. There are plenty of times to be talking but now is not one of them!” Miss shouted. Guess I’d have to start actually listening.

What do you guys think? How many more chapters should I continue this book for? Would you read 5 more? 10, 15 or 20? Comment below! 

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