Chapter 22

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"Finally. Caught on yet spy girl?" is the first thing Luke said as he chuckled down the phone to me.

"What do you mean finally?"I said kitting my eyebrows

"I mean Lea you're a spy, you should have figured this out the day after the party."

"Hey! I figured it out it just took some time." He was right. I'd never been one to catch on to clues; even if they were God-dammed obvious in hindsight. Michael was always best at that. I guess I'm not much of a spy more of a fighter. 

If I am going to continue with this mission, especially when I know The Corporation may be involved, I'd have to get Michael to tutor me on clue cranking. Better yet maybe he had a 'clue cracking for idiots' book he could lend me. "Well at least now we know who’s the muscles and who's the brains out of you and Michael," he chucked once again. That boy made my heart flutter, even on the phone, with only the crackle of his voice in my ear.

"I need to know everything about that night. Everything I said and everything I did. You need to meet me." I had to know. I'd never been in a situation like that. No one had ever been able to manipulate me in such a way as alcohol had. 

The discomforting nerve that I had done something regrettable tickled long my spine. This time Hemmings would tell me everything, even if I had to beat his secretive smirking ass to find out.

"Come over to mine. My dad’s just got in but he's about to leave again to take care of some"

"I'll be there." I said hanging up. Heart being 10 to the dozen, with adrenaline dancing through my blood I fled to Luke's.

Lydia stayed to take care of the battered train wreck that was Michael, whilst I took a not so pleasant trip. Granted I liked seeing Luke. Dave on the other hand, well he was not my cup of tea; more my cup of poisonous venom.

I was nervous half because I didn't know what I'd done - said even, that night. And half because I'd left Luke on edge last time I saw him.

I'd never had much experience with boys, none intact. From what Lydia had told me I need to keep him keen. There were multiple ways to play it; be enticingly affectionate, be agonisingly teasing or be a god in the sack. Let me tell you the latter option was already ruled out.

I'd forgotten my true motives for liking Luke until I reached his doorstep. Was my subconscious magically keeping to my word to Dave or was I actually developing feelings?

I waited patiently for a couple of seconds before the door practically flew open."How nice to see you again Lea," I scowled at the face that lingered before me - Dave. His chilling voice rattled my bones making my stomach feel uneasy.

"I wish I could say the same. Pray tell whenever I see you David you seem to be in an awful hurry." I said making every letter sound sharp. I had learnt from my father, when faced with an enemy the more you articulate your words, the easier it is to figure out your enemy. After all, if they waver at a few well spoken words, they are surely an easy match. 

"Never in a hurry my darling. Just a wanted man. That’s all"

"Oh, how I wish I could believe you David. But you see, I cannot help but get the feeling you are planning something." As I spoke I could see concentration hurry into his mind. "I know I'm being used as a tool, a weapon, leverage. I am going to find out by what means. And when I do, so help me, the business you share with my father will cease to exist. And you will have wished you had drugged my father instead of me that night." I knew my heated words we correct as Dave began to look like a puppy that’d just been caught tracing dirty foot prints through the house.

My father had the reputation of a highly educated, therefore feared man. With half of the influential figures of the world under his thumb he was merely the person to reckon with. But, he did show mercy when needs be. Me on the other hand, when it came to Dave, mercy was out of the picture. His presence brought a looming dark presence, like a snake watching its prey in the long dried grass of the desert, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

I didn’t know where it all had come from but I'm glad I had said it.

"Forgive me Lea for I have...underestimated you. You truly do have timothy's way with words." He said shifting awkwardly. "Now if you do excuse me I have business to attend to." He cleared his throat before heading out the door before I could even blink. 

I sighed to myself. This was beginning to become stressful, the secret Dave made me keep. I could not tell a sole. Maybe if Michael knew he could find a way out of it for me. Not that I didn't like Luke. More of the fact 'human bargaining tool' wasn't my most noble title. But I guess it's like an arranged marriage - aright, not quite that extreme. "Hemmings." I called throughout the house. 

"In the pool. I'll be there now." I heard an echoing voice call. I hadn't really thought about what I could or would ask first. Should I ask him what I said, or did? Where had my knife and shoe gone? I didn't know where to start. 

Strutting around the corner was a half naked Luke. He held a towel in his right hand drying his hair. Beads of water still trickled down his face and body. Lea, stop checking him out for God sake. Control yourself woman. The overwhelming urge to jump his bones right there and then was pressing down on me like the weight of a thousand tones. "Well hello to you to." Luke winked snapping me out of my lust filled daze. "Follow me. There is a lot we need to cover. Good thing I've got a pretty strong memory."

What do you think so far guys? What bits do you like? What bits don’t you like? Is there anything you want me to include?  

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