Chapter 18

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My heart beat seemed to be going rapidly but I could feel every single individual beat like it was slow motion. The thought of Luke standing out side of the door made my head snap out of the mind numbingly calm trance; as I pulled open the door; nearly knocking Michael out with it in the process.

Luke stood hand behind his back, shoulders forward. His lip ring pulled between his teeth as he smirked. The smirk turned into a scowl, I knew he'd seen Michael.

"You look gorgeous, as always." Luke said smiling at me. I could feel the tension between Luke and Michael; it was like a staring battle.

"Thank you Luke, shall we go?" I asked trying to get out of the very uncomfortable situation.

"Wait a second." Michael chimed in. Oh here we go. "Mum and dad are out all weekend so it doesn't matter what time you bring her back. The door will be left open; I'm having some of the boys over." Michael said not directly at anyone. His tone was calm and carefree. I nodded slowly; utterly shocked that he didn't threaten Luke or something.

I stepped out the door, Luke’s arm wrapped around my shoulder. I guess Michael didn't care as much as I thought.

"Will you tell me what we are doing now?" I asked looking up at look, who, may I add looked confused as well.

“It’s still a secret." Luke smirked his deadly smirk once again before opening the door of his car for me.

"You know you're an awfully secretive person Mr. Hemmings" I said in my best flirty voice. We'll at least what I thought was flirty.

"I have a lot to be secretive about." He said with a wink getting in the other side of the car. "After all, you could be working for someone." My heart momentarily stopped. "How do I know you can trust you?" He asked tilting his chin slightly.

"I guess that's something you're gonna have to find out."

The car drive was long but didn't feel like it. We'd been in the car for half an hour when Luke hopped out, opening my car door for me.

"Luke, the only thing here is a forest." I questioned hopping out.


"You're a serial killer aren’t you? You’re gonna murder me then leave me in a forest." I joked but was half serious. I knew what people in our business were capable of.

"I'm not a murder don't worry." He said chuckling.

"That's what they all say." I joked he poked his tongue out at me before taking my hand and guiding me into the forest.

The forest was vast and towering. It felt as through as through the trees were watching, leaning in to catch our every word and breath. The forest was close to pitch black and never-ending. However Luke seemed to know his way around it like the back of his hand.

"Luke, how do you know where we are going?" He seemed to know exactly where every single tree rout and ditch lay.

"This was my garden and my training room. Dad through it was best to train in real conditions so he bought the forest."

"Pretty awesome training room,"

"It has many hidden places."

"Are we going to one?" I asked trying to get a clue about where we were going.

"I'm still not telling. But, we are nearly there." Even though I couldn't see him I knew he was smirking. I was increasingly intrigued by the mysterious life of Mr. Luke Hemmings. He never gave anything away, no without you having to work for it. It made the little insights into his life so much more rewarding.

Through the darkness lights were just visible through the trees. We walked another hundred metres before a clearing in the trees appeared. In the clearing a house lay. It wrapped around some of the trees, fairy lights were hung all around the house and tree. It stretched up what looked like three floors. It looked extremely romantic. I was speechless at its beauty. The only sound that escaped my lips was a slight gasp.

"I thought you might like it." Luke said opening the door. The warmth inside thawed my chilly skin. "I'll give you a tour." The house was amazing; it had everything a house needed and more. All of it was made out of wood; even though it was in the middle of a gloomy forest it felt warm and safe. "And up here," Luke said leading the way up to the fourth and final floor. "Is the room with the best view." 

 Blankets and pillows covered the floor - with one of the walls completely glass. We were now above the trees so the whole forest was visible. Even the lights of the city were visible. 

"WOW" is the only thing I could just about manage to say. I saw Luke smirk out of the corner of my eye. I sat down on one of the duvets - not once taking my eyes from the view.

"You know you can blink. You're not going to miss anything." Luke chuckled, sitting down next to me cross-legged. 

"This is the coolest place in the history of ever." I exclaimed ecstatically. It was the most breath taking place I had ever been to. 

Everyone had that one thing that makes them instantly happy. Views were mine. Any and every kind of view was my kind of view. 

"You know what," I said pealing my eyes away from the view of twinkling lights. Looking at Luke's face I noticed him. Really noticed him. As cliché as it sounds. Every freckles and curve in his face was taken in. Like he was the view that I would be content with observing for eternity. 

"What?" Luke questioned rubbing him lips together. 

"I have never finished my questions. No way of getting out of it this time Hemmings," I said pointing a finger in his direction.

"Okay, so shoot." Luke said leaning back on his hands. His shoulders were pulled back making his head and jaw stick up and out. My eyes traced the lines and his jaw.

"Honestly now. What's the deal with you and Michael?" I said. Michael still hadn't spoken a work. The curiosity was eating away inside of me. I would take every opportunity even to find out something, anything, about the situation. 

 The mention of Hemmings had never even been casually mentioned until the other day. I wonder what was such a big thing, which made Michael act in the reckless way he did. What was such a big secret that Michael couldn't tell me. 

Luke's jaw tensed. His chest rose as he took a deep breath. 

"I took his virginity."

Sorry for the late update guys. I’ve been so, so, so busy lately. I hope you like this chapter. Next one should be up in a couple of day, hopefully.  

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