Chapter 21

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The morning came swift and fast. The struggle in my brain to answer the billion questions I had hadn't seceded. I knew I would have to train today; there was no days off for someone like me.

I doodled into the kitchen were a severely Hanover Michael sat. His head was slumped in his hands with his hood pulled up.

"Poor baby. Did someone drink too much?" I teased grabbing his cheek.

"Remember how nice I was to you when you were hangover? Can we adapt that attitude please" Michael grumbled.

"Has mark seen you yet? No offence but you're not exactly trying to hide the whole 'I-drunk-more-than-the-pacific-ocean-in-alcohol look" I said tossing an apple into my hands.

"Michael, Lea." Mark called. "I've got a meeting but you both need to get training now please." The sound of the door shutting rang throughout the house before we could answer.

"You heard the man Clifford." I said in a delighted glee.

"I'll remember this next time you're hangover." Michael said back jokingly. I poked my tongue out at him before running up the stairs to get my training gear on.

Opening the wardrobe I pulled my training gear out, throwing it on the bed. A leather jacket stared at me from the door of my wardrobe. 'Let’s just still have my jacket'

"Fuck," I whispered to myself. It was Luke. I did the first thing that popped into my head, text Lydia. She'd know what to do; she always knew what to do when it concerned boys.

I changed as quickly as my stiff body would allow. I tried to wipe the look of shock and disbelief from my face before I saw Michael. Why hadn't he told me?

"Ready?" I asked walking into the training room where Michael sat cross-legged on the mats. His body was crouched in on its self, his dark circles looking more like a black eye from a distance. "Mike, not being funny but you look like shit. How much did you drink last night?" I asked getting closer to him.

My eyes had not deceived me. He did, in fact have a black eye. As well as a split lip and knuckles on his right hand.

"Michael. What the hell happened," my tone was halfway between panic and worry.

"Well thanks lea. I thought I was having a good face day today." Michael joked.

"Michael Clifford, do not play the comedic card with me. What happened?" I marched over before sitting down and taking his face in my hands. I turned his head so his black eye was facing me. All around his eye was swollen.

"I'd rather not talk about it."


"No. Lea. I don't want to tell you."

"There are a lot of things you don't want to tell me these days Clifford."

"I know. It's best kept that way. Now let’s train." Michael said jumping up. He winced with each more of his muscles. He was in no fit started to fight.

"There is no way I'm training you like that. You're practically blind in one eye!" I was surprised he even made it down stairs like that.

"Mark said to train so that's what we are going to do." Michael said getting into his fight stance. "Come on. And pretend I'm not hangover." He had the glare in his eyes that I knew all too well. He was determined.

I sighed getting into my fighting stance. Before Michael even knew it I had punched him in the side, kicked him in the jaw and tripped him up. My legs were either side of him pinning him down.

"See. You are in no fit state to train Michael." I said getting more and more angry.

"Yes I am."

"No, you're not." In one swift movement the tables were turned. Michael was the one pinning me down.

"You know. You're cute when you're angry right." Michael smirked, his blue hair flopping down into his eyes.

"Don't try and flatter me into training you." I scoffed back.

"I'm being serious." Michael said with parted lips. His eyes danced in lock with mine. My breath deepened and quickened.

"Oh, really," I said flirtily. Why was I flirting with Michael? No Lea stop. You're not meant to like Michael. You're not allowed to like Michael. You like Luke.

As he leaned closer and closer my mind kept flipping on its self. You like Michael. Yes you do. He's always been there for you. You've known you always have liked him. No, he's too protective. But maybe he's protective because he likes you to. He's just acting like a brother. He thinks of you as family. He does not like you. Why would Michael like me I mean he could have any girl he wanted? What made me think I was so special? But I guess we had grown up together. You do not like him. Lea, no. My heart raced in my chest. I'm surprised it didn't break my ribs. Our lips were centimetres away. Don’t you dare. Don't you dare kiss him.

"Wow. Am I interrupting?" Lydia's voice called from the doorway. "I defiantly am. Oh god. Go back to where you were."

Abruptly the warmth that was Michael sprang up right.

"No, not interrupting." Michael said lending me a hand up. I could tell my cheeks were bright red without needing a mirror.

"Not at all. We were just finishing up here." I said with a cough.

"Right okay then," Lydia said with a raised eyebrow. I laughed nervously before proceeding out of the room with Lydia close behind me. I scurried up to my room as quickly as possible. "Um Lea...What the hell was that?"

"What do you mean?" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I was practically chocked by sexual tension. Not to mention the way you two were acting yesterday. You like Mike don’t you."

"That is absolutely ridiculous. How did you even think of that?"

"It's either that or your slept with him." she said sitting on the bed next to me.

"I think it would be easier if I'd slept with him."

"I can see why this is an emergency."

"Oh no this isn't why I text you."

"Oh god what’s happened? You didn't sleep with Cal did you? He can be a charmer"

"No I didn't sleep with Cal. I know who the guy was from the party."

"Finally who is it?" She asked excitedly

"It’s Luke Hemmings"

"Holey shit no way. No wonder you don't remember anything, he drugged you."

"Lydia, he did not drug me."

"Fine whatever but you need to call him right now." She said hastily taking my phone and dialling his number. Why hadn't I put a password on that thing yet? Here goes nothing.

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