Chapter 33

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A week had now past for my body but for my mind it seamed like a year. Dwelling on the agonizing mystery what Luke and Michael had brought to light, I'd been swamped in my thoughts. I had come no closer to figuring anything out and it was driving me insane. Michael and Luke remained protectors of me, guarding me, making sure they knew my every move. It even went as far as Michael sleeping in my room. He'd lay on a blowup mattress besides my bed waiting for me too fall asleep before even his head hit the pillow. Even when that happened I doubt he had much sleep, the bag under his eyes could carry his books as well as them nearly matching his hair.

It was now Thursday night, Michael was sitting up in bed staring at the wall in front of him. His eyes suddenly bulged and his chest jumped with realization. "It's not Carter." Michael said bluntly.

"What?" I murmured, half asleep.

"The program, the person who made it. It's not him. I've been replaying in my mind what you said happened when you went to his house. It's not him I'm sure of it." I could see his eyes rushing with the electricity that was knowledge.

"What's brought this on?" I said sitting up in bed.

"Just something that Ashton said today,"

"Michael," I said my voice warning. The cogs were turning in his brain, he was brewing a plan, I could feel it.

"I know what I'm doing. We need to take action at the Halloween party tomorrow ni..." The sound of smashing glass from down stairs snapped Michael out of his scheming brain and into his protective one. Jumping to his feet like a dog for a ball, he began to walk toward the door. "Stay here. Lock the door. I'll knock 3 times. Do not open it otherwise." I nodded. Michael voice was thick and gritty. I could tell that his adrenaline was pumping as the muscle in his jaw jumped.

Turning the corner into the hallway, Michael was gone. Swiftly, I locked the door behind him; the cold evening air nipping at my toes. My heart was racing as i thought who it may be learning down stares - who Michael would have to face. One thought nagged in the back of my mind. 'She's the one that's going to get snatched from her bed room'. trying to push the thought out of my mind I told my self anything and everything. Sweat laced my palms as I listened to the eery silence of the house. Me and Michael were alone tonight, no parents, no nothing. A floorboard creaked rigging though the house, all the hairs on my body stood on end.

One knock. I shifted in my bed. Two knocks. I flung the duvet off from over me. Three knocks. My feet where planted of the floor as I practically flew myself towards the door. Unlocking it I flung my arms around the tall boy that stood in front of me. A familiar sent his my nostrils, but not the one I was expecting. The cologne that I knew very well that belonged to the one and only Hemmings. My body recoiled, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Nice to see you too Stormson and may i say lovely pjs," Luke said though his painfully attractive smirk, his eyes raking over my T-shirt covered body. "Less is more and all that," he winked stepping into my room. His blue eyes brightened by the blackness of his leather jacket that hung snug to his wide shoulders.

"What did I say about hitting on her!" Michaels voice chirped from the doorway, holding three cups of tea in his hands.

"What do I tell you every time Clifford, she's single, there's no harm with a little charm," Luke replied.

"There is if like you, they are trying to get in her pants," Michael said placing the three mugs down on the bed side table.

"Who says I'm trying to get in her pants. You're the one who's sleeping with her," there was way too much testosterone in this room, the two boys where on the brink of a full blown fist fight.

"Guys calm down." The two boys glared at me. "May I ask what are you doing here Hemmings?"

"Hemmings?" Michael replied in disgust. I short him a look before returning my gaze to Luke.

"I came to look after you. I can see Michael hasn't slept in days so i thought I'd take over."

"How noble of you," Michael mocked.

"She'll be perfectly safe with me?" Luke replied.

"He's right Mike, I'm just as safe with him and you do need the sleep," with a sympathetic smile I placed a hand on Michael arm. I could tell he wasn't at all pleased with the idea.

"If she needs you she'll just scream," Luke joked.

"Fine. But i swear lay a finger on her and you're dead," Michael warned.

"Okay, one severely sleep deprived Michael who is in dire need of rest needs to lay off the death threats," i said practically dragging him out of the door.

I hadn't been alone with Luke, not properly, like this since the last time we kissed. The memory linger in my mind, i could feel my lips buzzing with the familiar presents of him. "Right so," I said rubbing my hands together. I didn't really know what to say. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't normal. It had the out of body vibe that was associated when you weren't being told the whole truth. "You know i can look after myself right?"

The surface of my bed was cold as I sat in between the sheets, my hands running gently over them. "You've proved that more than once Lea," he half chuckled. I looked away before the smirk that I knew would be painted across his face arrived.

"Then I don't understand why you won't tell me." My voice rose slightly even though I willed it not to.

"Cliché as it is, it's for you own good,"

"How is it for my own good, i need to know what I'm up against."

"That's exactly why we won't tell you. We both know you so well we know as soon as we tell you you'll go head first into a plan to assassinate or blackmail them." My reply was silence. They did, they knew me so well they knew what I'd do before I did. That's what I would have done,Ii would have instantly plotted to get my own back. I really need to start being less predictable.

I apologise for such a late update. I'm trying my best! I didn't have time to check spellings and things so I'm very sorry if there are mistakes. I hope you enjoy none the less!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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