Chapter 27

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Given my unfortunate history with mind altering substances walking down Unknown Street drinking a whole bottle of wine wasn't the smartest thing. With only a couple of drops left I decided to make my way back to the drab swaray I was supposed to be attending. With any luck I could find another bottle of wine to keep me company.

Especially in my drunken state my training came in handy, I remembered all the twists and turns I'd taken since leaving the house. Contrary, heals and the dark weren't exactly on my side as I wobbled on and off the pavement.

The evening was just brewing but the sun had already gone. It was chilly, I wished I had Luke's jacket wrapped around my body. I didn't want to like him because I had to but I did. However, I didn't know if the fact that I had to played a role in my feelings.

Caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realised a figure running towards me, my eyebrows furrower trying to make out the figure. "Lea!" The voice screamed. Was it Michael? It sounded like Michael, id know his voice anywhere. His voice strained and frantic. And it was Michael I could see his blue haired head bounce as he got closer and closer.

"Mikey?" I questioned confused. Why was he running? He wasn't just running he was practically sprinting down the road.

"Jesus, Lea," Michael said pulling me into a tight embrace.

"No Michael its just lea," he chuckled dryly at my drunken humour before pulling away from the tight hug. His breath was rugged and strained, his lip cut and temple bleeding. His hands rested on my shoulders as his eyes, glowing even in the dark, taking me in. I knew something was off; his body was extremely close to mine. Not once was he not in contact with a part of my body. "Michael you're acting strange."

"I was so worried. You left just as an attack happened," that explained the cuts. It was bizarre how little time it had taken for events to turn on their heads. I didn't know if it was because I was half drunk or didn't want to believe there was a random attack, but I didn't fully believe the story. The visible adrenalin and panic in Michael eyes reassured me. "We need to get you home."

My arm was held in a tight grasp, as Michael hurried down the road. His strides where much bigger than mine, causing me to go into a slight jog. I lost count of the number of times I'd stumbled after the second turn we'd made.

"What happened Mikey?" I asked craning my neck to look up at him. His eyes were locked on the horizon, posture tall and confident. The outline of his jaw was viable in the meagre glow of the street lights that sent shadows under his high cheek bones.

"I'm not going to try and explain this to you while you're in this sate lea. Let's just get you home and sober you up before I explain."

An hour earlier. Michael's P.O.V

The mixture of envy and fury in my veins seemed to be dying down as I made my way around the crowded ball room. Aimlessly wandering around I manage to bump into the one person I hated more than Hemmings. His father.

"Michael, Just the boy I wanted to see," His narrow dark blue eyes sent a shiver of ice through my body. The blood in my veins began to boil.

"And why would that be Dave?" I said thought gritted teeth.

His arm went around my shoulder bringing me into his side. "Michael, you should be a little more welcoming. Has anyone ever told you that you that?" He said with a tut.

"Dave I'm really not in the mode for any of you little games today. So unless you want to make a scene at this lovely event then I would get on with it." My words sounded agitated as I tried to smile at faces.

"Teenage love, a tragically emotional ordeal. I just wanted to remind you of our little deal. Stay away from Lea and she won't get hurt." Patting me on the back his thin lips formed was looked like a smile but I knew it was a threat.

"I still don't understand what you get out of this?" Obviously he wanted Lea and Luke, much to my disgust, to be a couple. But no one could force people to fall in love. Especially Lea. She was to strong-mind.

"Aaa, Michael my young acquaintances," with his pause I was happy the term 'friend' wasn't used. "Just my son's happiness," Dave was a good liar. Mainly because he kept his eye contact strong and his words articulate. However I knew this was not the case.

Three sharp bangs on the front door made the whole room fall silent. Heads locked on the door as heavy breaths echoed around the room. Another loud bang and the door flew open.

A group of around 30 people, all wearing black balaclavas ran in. Screams rang through my ears as I did the only thing I knew how to do in this situation, grab my gun.

Holding it close to my body I ran towards the now dispersed group of masked gate crashers. There was a mixture of bodies running to and fro. Screams, smashes and gun shots blurred into one horrific soundtrack.

Kicking a man in the ribs before hitting the barrel of my gun to his temple one through ran through my mind. Lea.

My heart thumped rapidly at the thought. Yes, she could clearly look after herself. Yes, she would probably be able to take on half of this lot at the same time. But No, I need to find her. She needed to be safe."Dave!" I screamed to the pair of villainous eyes close to me. "Where's Lea!"

"She left!" He shouted shooting someone in the foot.

My body worked faster than my mind as my feet carried me out of the house and down the road; hoping I'd taken the right turning. The cold hair felt fresh, stinging my lungs, replacing the stuffy warm air from inside.

A sudden kick to the ribs sent me flying into a nearby tree. A pain went through my temple forcing me to blink rapidly to regain my consciousness. "Where is she?" A low voice spoke.

I felt the sharp point of a knife against my throat as I swallowed. "Where is she?" The voice repeated.

"Who?" I questioned trying to think of a way out of the situation.

"Lea. Where is she?" Lea? Why did he want Lea.? Who was he? Where had they all come from? Who'd sent them? "Answer me!" He said punching me in the face.

The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. "Lea! Run!" I shouted across the road. The man turned, letting his knife drop to his side. It'd worked.

"You little shit! Where is she" He said just as I kicked him in the crotch. I punched him in the throat as he doubled over in pain. My elbow came down on his back as he hit the pavement with a thump. Blood poured from his head. I wasn't waiting to check if he was okay, I was running.

What did you guys think of this part? Hopefully I'll get a couple more chapters up this week.

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