Chapter 14

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After Lydia and I had had a girly chat about Luke and Cal for a good three hours, Lydia left still unconvinced Luke was good for me. 

“I never knew you like this Mike?” I asked him placing my hands on his shoulders as he sat watching the first series of American Horror story.

“Well you said you liked it so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s quite good.”

“Keep an eye on Evan Peters he’s such a good actor.”

"It’s just because you find him hot.” I ruffled his blue hair, but he was right I did find him hot. “Where are you off?" Michael from the sofa in the lounge, his feet propped up on the coffee table while he watched.

"I'm off to Luke's to properly apologise for you." I said poking a tongue out at him. "I'll probably be about an hour." 

"Right, I'll ring you in an hour; make sure he hasn't drugged you." Michael said back in a serious tone. 

"He never drugged me to begin with." I said putting on my shoes.

"Ummhuu, hard to believe when the guy had every single black-market drug in his room." 

"Enough about Luke think about a plan for tomorrow while I'm out." 

"Fine. Anything to get my mind of the picture of you and Hemmings." I stuck my tongue out at him once before walking out of the door. Unless Luke had killed a man then Michael was completely over reacting towards him. Should I ask him about it, he seemed to not want to talk about it when Michael brought it up before. I needed to know, it was eating away at my insides, why was Michael like this?

The walk to Luke's was long but not tiring, it wasn't warm enough outside for it to be tiring. I was surprised I remembered the way; I wasn't exactly paying attention on the way there last night. I walked up to the oak door, picking up the sliver knocked and knocking. I waited swaying no my feet with my hands clutched around the ends of my jumper.  

The last person I wanted to see opened the door, Dave. His evil face was tied up in a smirk. 

"Lea, I didn't think we'd be seeing you this soon." He said in a chipper voice. 

"Dave. We'll here I am." I said as he gestured for me to come inside. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." He said closing the door. 

"Why'd you drug me?" I questioned. It's not like it did anything bar get me out of the party quicker. 

"It wasn't just a normal drug. It was truth serum. You don't remember me questioning you do you?" I shook my head. "I didn't think so, that's because it made you forget everything ten minutes after it started to have its effect. And I couldn't let you wonder around the party telling people blabbing to people the truth's that came out of your mouth, so I put some sleeping serum in it too. Then even if you did tell people, who would believe you about anything that had happened that night, seeing as you were drugged." He was cunning he'd thought out every single situation and made sure there was a way to prove him innocent. "Anyway, I'm guessing you're looking for Luke? He's in his room. Up the stairs go left then their door on the right." Dave said his voice was whispered and low. He turned around walking off into the house. 

I walked up the stairs pausing at the top to look at the study. There was something about it; it gave off a bag vibe even when just looking at it. Knocking on the door that was supposedly Luke's. He opened looking confused. 

"Before you say anything I have to apologise for Mike. Let's just say he's a bit over protective." I said.

"Just a bit? He would have ripped me apart if he'd had the chance." Luke said with one arm resting on the door frame. "It's fine. He had reason to hate me. I'd hate me if I were him." Luke's eyes filled with sadness and regret. I knew I shouldn't ask him, I knew he had to tell me in his own time. 

"He's just being Mike. He doesn't hate you." I said trying to reassure him. 

"But he doesn't like me either." Luke chuckled.

"Well yeah." I chuckled. "I should be going." 

"Wait. Would you like to maybe go on a date with me after school tomorrow?" Luke said scratching the back of his neck. 

"I would love to."

"Cool. Good. Grate." He said sheepishly smiling. I smiled back before walking back down the corridor. Walking down the stairs I could see Dave at the bottom. What was his deal? Why was he stalking me in his own house? I was tempted to turn around and walk back to Luke's room just to avoid the interaction. 

"Lea." He said in his menacing voice than never seemed to get any chirpier. 

"Dave. Again." I muttered under my breath. "Not to sound rude but what else do you have to say to me?”. He laughed then sighed.

"You still don't get me. So much to learn. I'm just making sure you stick to our agreement." 

"Seriously Dave, this is getting ridiculous. I'm not going to brake our agreement so please, stop being around every corner." 

“As long as you keep to the agreement. But I'm everywhere, I know everything. I will always be around every corner. So watch what you let...slip to people." Dave said before once again walking off. He sure did like having the last word. 

 Rolling my eyes I walked out of the grand house. I wasn't sure if Dave was a dramatic person or psychotic, I was swaying to the latter. I want to concentrate on the date I'd be going on with Luke but I found my mind wondering towards Dave. I was analyzing him, every single thing about him. Clearly he was a control freak; he planned out everything down to the last detail. He was either a powerful figure in the business or he wanted to be. Why hadn't I heard of him before last night? It started to make sense why Luke was a drug dealer. If I had a parent like that I think I would be one to. 

 I really couldn't wrap my head around the reason Michael didn't like Luke, he was sweet and kind. There was nothing remotely questionable, bar the dealing, as to why Michael wouldn't like him. Luke seamed to understand why Michael didn't like him. Was it something personal? Did Luke sleep with one of Michael's girlfriends? Did Luke beat Michael in something? Michael didn't like being beaten but wouldn't have taken it that far. 

How do you guys like the story so far? What bits do you like what bits don’t you? Is there anything you want to happen? Please tell me below 

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