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Jungkook tenses when he hears the front door open sometime later that night.

He doesn't move from his spot in bed, hoping that Yugyeom will leave him alone tonight.

The sound of Yugyeom's footsteps echo down the hallway before the bedroom door opens and the lights come on.

Jungkook stays still.

"I know you're awake." Yugyeom says sitting on the edge of the bed.

Jungkook swallows hard before turning to look at him. "Where were you?"

Yugyeom's hair is disheveled and his shirt is on inside out, there are unmistakable lipstick stains and hickies on his neck and the smell of women's perfume lingers.

He disregards Jungkook's question as he removes his shoes.

"Yugyeom..." Jungkook trails off feeling his heart grow heavier each passing second of silence.

"Just shut up Jungkook, god you're annoying." Yugyeom says standing and going to the drawers where his things were.

"You cheated on me." Jungkook says more than asks.

Yugyeom laughs. "You seem surprised."

Jungkook falls silent.

"As if you've always been loyal to me." He says incredulously.

Jungkook doesn't argue only because he knows Yugyeom will go straight to degrading him.

    "Just shut up and go to sleep." Yugyeom grumbles grabbing his clothes and leaving the room.

Jungkook lays down and curls up into a ball, trying not to shed a tear.

Jungkook had thought his heart had already been broken but he was wrong, this, what he was feeling right now, was broken.

He had thought that he lost all love for Yugyeom by now but he guesses a part of him was still holding on, but now that part has snapped.

Jungkook's entire body started to shiver in anger and hurt, he felt worthless.

What was he here for if Yugyeom didn't even find pleasure in him anymore? Was he simply his punching bag now?

Yugyeom returns to the room and lies down next to Jungkook who keeps his back to him.

    "Do you love me anymore?" He dares to ask after a while of silence.

Yugyeom chuckles at the question. "That's a stupid question."

He doesn't answer, but Jungkook doesn't push it, he probably can't handle the answer.

Jungkook doesn't find sleep that night and gets up to get ready for work early.

Yugyeom stays in bed not bothering to take him today either.

Jungkook tries to dress more presentably for work today since his bruises are more of a nasty yellow color than the bright red and purple-ish they were before.

He wears a dark blue dress shirt and a pair of black jeans with stylish slits at the knees.

He gets to work earlier than usual since Yugyeom wasn't there to pester him about leaving early.

When he gets there he's surprised to find Taehyung in the clothing room.

He doesn't greet Jungkook as he stands looking out the big window with his arms crossed over his chest.

Jungkook puts his backpack down not greeting him either.

He goes over to the boxes stacked by the door with the Lost Love logo on them.

    "Yoongi's expecting us first thing tomorrow. I need four sets for the morning shoot and three for the evening shoot. If your schedule isn't already open get it there. The shoot's going to last all day. As long as the logo is somewhere visible you can work with what you've got. If you need anything let Jin know. I'll be in my office."

Taehyung doesn't spare Jungkook a single glance as he turns and walks out leaving him alone. His tone is cold and short and it reminds Jungkook of when he first met him.

Jungkook feels hurt by his shortness and wants nothing more than for him to stay with him and talk to him or just simply exist with him.

He just wants to keep his mind occupied so he won't fall apart.

Jungkook pulls the boxes over to the couch before sitting down to go through them.

And as much as he tries to force Yugyeom to the back of his mind he can't.

If he could just get through the rest of the month then he'd be okay, everything would be okay.

Taehyung returns after a while to tell Jungkook he could leave when he got ready.

    "Just make sure the garment bags are numbered and placed on the checklist." He says. "Have a good night."

    "Please." Jungkook says before Taehyung gets out the door. "Please don't be cold towards me."

Taehyung looks back at Jungkook who's broken eyes are filled with tears. "Jungkook~"

    "Please don't hate me." The younger starts to cry looking down.

Taehyung immediately walks over to the couch and engulfs Jungkook into a hug.

    "I can't leave him, he'll kill me." Jungkook cries into the crook of Taehyung's neck. "S-So please don't hate me for being with him."

    "I don't hate you, Kook." Taehyung says in a soft tone that Jungkook has never heard before. "The exact opposite is the reason I'm worried for you."

Jungkook cries harder as he grips the front of Taehyung's shirt.

    "I want to help you Jungkook. I can't stand seeing you like this." He continues. "And if you truly meant anything you said to me before you'd let me help you. Because you're my friend and you are just as valuable to me as I am to you."

Jungkook nods trying to calm himself.

"Even if it means going to the police or pressing charges." Taehyung says. "I just... just let me help you."

Jungkook has calmed himself down but the mere thought of pressing charges against Yugyeom makes him feel like he's going into a panic attack.

"I'm scared." His voice trembles out.

Taehyung sighs sympathetically. "I know, it's okay to be scared."

"If I try to leave he's not going to be happy." The younger says coughing a little. "He's gonna kill me."

    "Jungkook, has he ever told he was going to kill you?" Taehyung asks a bit cautiously.

Jungkook nods. "What if he really does? I don't want to die~"

    "You're not going to die." Taehyung cuts in firmly. "I won't let that happen."

Jungkook nods still laying his head in the crook of Taehyung's neck before falling silent.

Taehyung sighs running his fingers through Jungkook's hair trying to calm the shaking boy.

He didn't know what to do and it was even starting to scare him, the thought of whoever Jungkook was seeing actually trying to kill him was insane.

He had to get Jungkook out of that apartment, and in order to do that he needed a plan.

He had to save Jungkook, he just couldn't bare seeing him like this any longer.


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