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    "Talk to him." Jin murmurs to Jungkook when they get back inside.

Jungkook nods fidgeting with his fingers and glancing over at the model sitting on the windowsill staring out at the sun slowly starting to rise.

"It's okay." Jin reassures him before walking away and disappearing up the stairs.

Jungkook walks over to Taehyung a bit hesitantly, he didn't know what to say.

He sits on the other end of the windowsill in front of him.

"Why'd you come back?" Taehyung asks not looking over at the younger, he doesn't sound upset.

Jungkook bites his lip and looks down nervously. "I talked to Jin-hyung."

Taehyung nods slowly as he takes a drag from his cigarette and inhales.

Jungkook frowns a little before reaching over and gently removing the cigarette from between his fingers.

Taehyung finally does look over at the other and watches as he put the cigarette out in the ashtray on the floor.

"Are you scared?" He asks making Jungkook look up at him.

"Yeah." The younger mumbles softly.

"I know." Taehyung says returning his gaze to the city below him.

"You know?" Jungkook asks.

The silverette nods. "I know you're scared. It's okay to be scared."

The two of them fall silent for a moment before Jungkook speaks up.

"I know you probably won't understand...and it's crazy, but deep down inside of me I can't help but to love him." He starts looking out the window. "And even though I should, I can't bring myself to hate him, no matter how hard I try."

"I understand that, Jungkook. It's not wrong to...it's not wrong to love him. It's wrong to continue to put yourself through what you're going through." Taehyung says. "He's screwed up your judgement and now you think it's either be with him or die and that's so fucked up. I know you feel stuck but I'm telling you there's another way."

Jungkook nods wiping the tears that fall from his eyes.

"You saved me Jungkook, and I feel like I can't save you." Taehyung says feeling his own tears fall.

Jungkook scoots closer to Taehyung, close enough that he can reach out and wipe the tears from his eyes.

The teary eyed model looks over at the younger. "You're so different now."

The younger runs the back of his hand down the side of Taehyung's face before pulling his hands away, only for them to be grabbed.

Taehyung holds Jungkook's hand in his. "I hate that he changed you like this."

"It's okay." Jungkook says at a loss for words.

"It's not okay." Taehyung says hoping that Jungkook could see the desperation in his eyes. "He's breaking you down and soon there'll be nothing left. And it scares the hell out of me to think that you'll never smile again, or laugh again, or annoy the hell out of me with all your never dying energy. Every little thing that makes you, you is slowly fading and its scary."

Jungkook sniffs looking down with wet eyes.

"Jungkook." Taehyung says gently taking the younger's face in his hands and thumbing away his tears. "If you stay with me, I promise you, that son of a bitch will never lay another finger on you again."

Jungkook's breath shakes on the way out. "I'm so scared." He says leaning forward into Taehyung's embrace.

"You don't have to be scared." Taehyung reassures him as he pulls him closer. "I'll protect you. I'll always protect you."

The younger chokes out a sob as he nods his head.

"Will you stay with me?" Taehyung asks stroking his head soothingly.


    "Wait in the car, please?"

    "Definitely not."

Jungkook sighs in defeat but doesn't argue as he and Taehyung climb out of the car.

As he said he would be, Yugyeom is standing outside of Jungkook's apartment building when they get there.

Jungkook is tempted to cower behind Taehyung and let him do the talking but he pushes the fear down and stands before his abuser.

"Hey, baby." Yugyeom says smiling softly when he sees his boyfriend, ex-boyfriend soon.

"H-Hey, Yugyeom." Jungkook says fidgeting with the sleeves of the shirt Taehyung gave to him.

"Where were you?" He asks, the threatening undertone still there despite his sickly sweet tone.

Taehyung's jaw clenches and he has to force himself to stay still and silent despite wanting to kick the other man's ass.

"W-We need to talk." Jungkook says looking down at his hands.

"Let's go upstairs then~"

"Jungkook." Taehyung says before the younger can even consider it.

"Here's fine." The younger says looking up to see Yugyeom's expression which stays the same.

"What is it?" Yugyeom asks, still playing the role of a caring boyfriend.

"I'm~ I have to go, Yugyeom." Jungkook says trying to stand firm. "I can't keep going through what I'm going through with you. I can't, it's hurting me and it's hurting the people that care about me. I just hope you understand why and just let me go because I don't make you happy anymore a-and you don't make me happy."

"Listen baby," Yugyeom starts, gently taking Jungkook by the shoulders and pulling him a but closer. "I know you're upset about our argument last night, I went too far and I promise it won't happen again. You can't leave me, Jungkook. I messed up I know, but I promise to do better. I never want to hurt you baby. I want to take care of you but you make that difficult when you do things like this, running off all hours of the night without telling me where you were going. Why would you do that?"

Jungkook falls silent, swallowing hard as he looks up. "I'm breaking up with you, Yugyeom."

"Don't say that, you're speaking nonsense." Yugyeom says bringing his hand to cup Jungkook's cheek, making the younger flinch obviously. "You know I love you, you love me too don't you?"

"I do. I love you." Jungkook says making Taehyung's eyebrow twitch in annoyance. "But it's over, Yugyeom. It's over, I'm sorry."

"Jungkook." Yugyeom says, his facade slipping slightly as he grows more irritated.

Jungkook steps away from him and walks behind Taehyung, not cowering but desperately trying not to cry.

"Can we go please?" He asks pressing his forehead against Taehyung's shoulder.

The model turns away from Yugyeom and puts his arm around Jungkook.

He leads him to the passenger side of his vehicle before getting in himself.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook says covering his face as he cries.

"Don't apologize." Taehyung says starting the car and heading back to his penthouse. "Everything's gonna be alright."

Jungkook nods, not trusting his words as he stares out the window in tears.

It wasn't fear making his heart ache, but the heartbreak of leaving his first everything.

His first boy crush, his first boyfriend, his first lover, his first everything.

Despite everything, it still hurt like hell.


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