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"What's with the sunglasses?" Seokjin asks when Jungkook walked into work.

"It's a look, isn't it?" He asks smiling.

"If you say so." Jin laughs.

Luckily today they had meetings all day and Jungkook looked ridiculous but not too ridiculous wearing the expensive shades inside.

Yugyeom had told him to just tell people he dropped his phone on his face while he was laying down.

But unless Jungkook's phone was as heavy as a brick the excuse was stupid.

He'd still use it if he couldn't think of anything.

No matter how unnoticeable Jungkook tries to make it seem it's obvious to Taehyung and Jin that something is different about the younger.

He wasn't as bright as he used to be, he completely gave up on trying to dress presentably for work, and when he smiled or laughed it looked like it pained him.

"Does Jungkook seem weird to you lately?" Taehyung had asked Jin.

"No. Why?" Jin had said even though it was a lie, Jungkook had definitely changed.

"I'm worried about him." Taehyung said shocking both himself and Jin.

"I'm sure he's fine." Jin had reassured him.

But today he was even weirder, he was dressed in loose fitting pants and an ugly oversized jacket, with shades on inside.

He looked homeless in all the heavy clothes.

Taehyung tried to figure out what was going on with him without having to ask but it was getting tiring.

Their last meeting ends at around seven but rather than telling Jungkook to go home like he usually would Taehyung calls the younger into his office.

"What's up, Tae?" Jungkook asks taking a seat in front of Taehyung's desk.

The --now faded-- silverette rounds the desk standing in front of Jungkook.

"What's going on with you?" He asks straight forwardly.

Taehyung can't tell if Jungkook is looking him in the eyes through the dark sunglasses.

"What do you mean?" He says smiling a little.

"You know what I mean." Taehyung says. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"I like it." Jungkook says referring to the oversized jacket.

"The sunglasses?" The older asks. "We're inside."

"I'm making a fashion statement." Jungkook chuckles but Taehyung sees right through the forced laugh.

"Take them off." He says looking down at Jungkook whose smile drops.

"Why?" The younger asks trying to play it off with another smile.

"Because I said so." Taehyung says.

Jungkook is stuck now, if he refused to take them off it would be suspicious, but if he took them off Taehyung was going to want to know what happened to his eye.

"Now." Taehyung pushes after Jungkook falls silent.

The younger sighs reaching up and reluctantly removing the shades, squinting at the light.

Taehyung's heart drops when he sees the dark bruise around his left eye.

"I can explain." Jungkook says before the other can say anything. "It was a freak accident. I was laying down on my phone and I somehow dropped it just right."

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