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The silence in the apartment eats at Jungkook as he busies himself with washing the dishes by hand despite having a dishwasher.

He just wanted something to distract him for a decent period of time, something to distract him from how Taehyung was behaving.

Taehyung himself was busy typing up a contract on his laptop for the rest of his time at 2-3.

He wasn't intentionally trying to be distant, he had a lot on his mind and he figured Jungkook did too.

"Something wrong with the dishwasher?" The brunette asks as he types away on his laptop.

"No." Jungkook answers. "It's not the dishwasher."

Taehyung hums absentmindedly, his eyes never leaving the computer screen.

Jungkook huffs, drying the last dish and placing it in the cabinet.

"Do you have something to say to me?" The younger asks looking at Taehyung who looks at him in confusion.

"No. Why?" The brunette asks.

"Nothing?" Jungkook asks, giving him another chance to say what he had to say.

"Nothing." Taehyung says. "Why?"

"I talked to Yoongi, he offered me a position at Gagi Fashion and I want to take it." The younger says, disregarding Taehyung's question.

The brunette's expression is plain and unreadable. "Okay."

"It's in the states." Jungkook says, something inside of him wanting the brunette to tell him not to go.

"Yeah. I know." Taehyung says, his eyes returning to his laptop.

"This is really important to me." The younger says walking into the living room. "Do you have anything to say?"

    "No. If it's something you want to do then do it." The brunette says typing on his laptop. "I want you to do what makes you happy."

    "We couldn't be together." Jungkook says, he wanted him to say something.

    "This is your dream, Jungkook. Don't let me get in the way." Taehyung says looking up momentarily before returning to his contract.

    "I'll tell him I'm going then." The younger says, his words sound like a threat in his own ears.

    "Okay." The brunette says.

Jungkook feels like he's meeting Taehyung all over again in that moment, the older's cold eyes masking whatever emotions once stirred behind them.

The younger walks up the stairs, tears burning his eyes as he walks into the guest bedroom instead of the one he shared with Taehyung.

He looks down at his phone, tears dropping on the screen.

His future was literally a phone call away and he wanted so badly for Taehyung to stop him, to tell him not to go.

He wanted him to say that he needed him and that they were better together.

But instead Taehyung dismissed him like he meant nothing, like everything they've been through meant nothing.

Taehyung's seen Jungkook at his worse and vice versa yet they seemed to be falling apart so easily.

Taehyung was there when he was at his lowest and he helped him realize his worth and helped him work towards his full potential.

The thought of losing that made Jungkook's chest hurt.

Why was Taehyung letting him go so easily?

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