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Highest Ranking: #1 on #themikaelsons

Sommer's Pov:

"Lucien is demanding my presence. The whiskey cask. Alone and immediately. He says if I delay then Niklaus will die."

Elijah walked away as I stood up. I quickly grabbed Stella's arm as she tried to stop Elijah.


Stella looked at me.

"And why not? I can't possible let him go alone. I love him."

"And I understand that, I really do. But you could get hurt."

"And so could he Sommer!"

"Please don't be stubborn now. Not in this situation. We will figure out a plan. We always do."

"We don't have time. Niklaus doesn't have any time. It's not like you and Kol. You actually have time to figure things out."

She shoved my hand off of her and quickly walked away. I wanted to get mad at her for saying that but I know she would never really say that to me if she wasn't pregnant. I know it's just her hormones. She's close to having that baby pop out of her.


Stella's Pov:

"Are you seriously going out there?"

Elijah stopped walking.

"I'm seriously going out there."

"Elijah, the whole point in putting the deed in the compound in Freya's name was to make this place impenetrable. Now you're going to pick a fight with a guy that can actually kill you."

"Guess when you put it that way-"

Elijah turned around to look at me.

"It does sound a little reckless."

Elijah turned back around and started walking.


He stopped and stared at me.

I hesitated but I spoke up.

"Be careful."

He turned back around and walked out of the house. That's not what I really wanted to say to him but it's all I could say cause I knew nothing was going to change his mind. It's family and he'd do anything for his family even if it means cleaning after there mess. I knew it was wrong for me to snap at Sommer but I couldn't help it, this pregnancy and drama about Lucien is stressing me out....


Sommer's Pov:

Meet me at my penthouse. Come alone or I come for your precious lover, Kol.

As I read the text I already knew it was Lucien. He sent me another text, which was a link to an address, which I assumed was his penthouse. I got up and opened the door, I jumped as I saw Henrik standing there, ready to knock on the door.

"Oh, Henrik."

"We need to talk Sommer."

"About what?"

"My brother Kol."


I knocked on the door and seconds later the door opened and I saw Lucien standing there, smiling at me.

"You listened."

"How could I not? You basically threatened me."

"Well, come in love."

I walked in his penthouse and the first thing I saw was Niklaus tied up.

"Why am I here? Why is Niklaus is tied up?"

"I have a proposal."

"And what might that be?"

Lucien pulled out a vial, it was the same vial he had taken before.

"Take this vial and it could possibly save your precious Kol."

"What's the catch?"

"Tell me where Niklaus put Aurora."

"Aurora? She's dead though. And I don't even know her."

"But you do know where she is, correct?"

I was hesitating to answer that.

"Tell you what, I do have some business to attend to. How about you stay here and talk to Niklaus and how he knew you and Kol were supposed to be together from the start. You can thank the ancestors for that one. When I get back I want an answer on where Aurora is. If I don't get one then I'll kill Kol right in front of you and then goes the rest of his family, including you."

Lucien quickly grabbed his coat and left. I slowly turned to Niklaus.

"Explain now."

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