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Sommer's Pov:

Stella sighed as she walked in my room.

"So, Niklaus is getting the antidote for Freya and Freya is working on channeling Finn from that necklace of hers then she's going to work on that spell to save Kol."

"That's good. Do you think she'll be able to do it?"

"Yes I do. That's if Finn will help."

I looked at Kol beside me. He turned his head to look at me.

"I'll be alright darling. I haven't gone mad just yet my love."

"Well, let's hope it stays that way for a while."

"I don't know Stella, he already switched up once today, he'll probably do it again soon."

"You're probably right. All I'm saying is I don't want to be around when it happens."

"It only seems you are never around except when it has something do with Sommer or yourself. You don't care about this family. You only feel the need to stay here cause your pregnant with my brothers baby."


"No, Sommer. It's alright. It's just the curse. I know he doesn't mean it. But if he says something even more I'm going to lose my shit."

"You always say that when we all know you aren't going to do shit cause of the pregnancy. Maybe you should go back to where you were before Stella. We all know your just leading on Elijah and trying to trap him with you cause you killed Katherine. If you weren't having his baby then who knows if you would even be here."

Stella was getting angrier by the second and Kol just couldn't contain himself.

"Sommer, you better control your fucking boyfriend before I do. If I have to do it, no one is going to like it."

Stella walked out of my room and slammed the door. I quickly stood up and looked down at Kol.

"What the fuck Kol? That wasn't cool! I don't know if I can be around you right now. I can't even stand to look at you right now. This isn't you!"

"That's nothing new to me Sommer. You've always hated me. The minute we met, you didn't like me from the start. You are only here cause of Stella. You should just leave and never come back."

Kol groaned as he closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again as he seemed normal again. I could feel the tears on my cheeks. Kol quickly looked at me and stood up.

"I didn't mean what I said."


"Sommer, please."

"Kol, I don't think I can be around you."

I turned around to walk to the door. As I opened the door a little bit, Kol slamed the door shut. I gasped and turned around. Kol looked at me.

"Of course you want to leave. When things get bad for you all you want to do is leave. You just want to walk away from your problems when things start getting tough for you."

"Kol, please."

Kol walked closer to me. Our bodies were almost touching.

He gently grabbed my cheek and slowly went to my hair as I was breathing heavily. He quickly pulled my hair and moved me away from the door. I fell to the floor.

"Why do you always have to play the victim Sommer?"

Kol walked up to me again. The door quickly slammed open as Kol was about to grab me again. Elijah quickly shoved Kol away from me.

"Control yourself Kol!"

Kol closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and opened it again. But I didn't feel a relief when he opened his eyes.

"I have control brother."

Kol quickly snapped his neck and walked out of the room.


"Kol left Freya!"

"Where did he go? We need him here."

"I'm not sure, but I might have an idea."

"And what is that?"



As Niklaus, Elijah, Freya and I got to Davina's place we could all hear loud noises and crashing in her house. I quickly opened the door and walked in. Kol was on top of Davina, trying to slit her throat with a knife but she was using most of her strength to pry him away from her. I truly hated her but she was also my half sister and I needed to help her.


I pried Kol off of her and threw him across the room. I helped her up and she was already bleeding so much around her throat. It seemed Kol had sliced her throat before I could even get to her. I quickly bent down to her and held her throat so the bleeding would stop, but it wasn't working.

"I'm so sorry Davina. Kol is cursed. This should've never happened."

"Hold him still."

I heard Freya say as she quickly walked up to Kol as Elijah and Niklaus held him down. I looked back down to Davina.

"I-I'm s-sorry."

Davina could barely talk but yet, here she was saying sorry to me. She stopped moving and breathing as I heard Kol stop yelling. I let go of her neck cause I knew she was dead now. I closed her eyes so I couldn't look at her. I heard Kol groan as I heard him getting up. It was quiet for a couple of seconds.

"What have I done?"

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