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Sommer's Pov:

Niklaus looked at me with a surprise look on his face. Elijah stepped forward.

"How are you-"


I said as I finished Elijah's question.

"It's quite easy. I drank whatever Lucien had made."

"I'd appreciate it if you could let me go."

"The only thing you should be appreciating is your family."

"Family? Oh no, they aren't family to me."

"What about Davina?"

"She's dead because of them. Now the ancestors have her."

I quickly let go of Marcel's neck.

"She's what?"

"Dead. They used her to kill Lucien."

"How could you? That was my sister!"

"We had no choice."

"No! There is always a choice. You just chose to! I might've hated her but she was family! The only real family I had! Now I have no one! I barely even have Kol! The only one I can really call family is Stella!"

"They do what they have to do to save there family. No matter the cost. It doesn't matter who it is."

"Klaus, Marcel will betray us. I saw it with my own eyes."

"I will betray you? I asked, begged for your help, and you left Davina to rot! You put down Lucien because he was coming for you, for your family. But the thing is, you made Lucien. You turned him, you taught him, and then abandoned him. And then you blamed Lucien because it's always someone else's fault. But maybe, you were the villians in his story. After all, that is the Mikaelson way, right? Kill, maim, torture, all in the name of family. Always and Forevor. I used to admire that vow. It gave me back the thing that had been beaten out of me. Faith in those you love. I was a fool. Always and forevor is just an excuse to do whatever you want."

Marcel exhaled sharply as he continued talking.

"Maybe it's time someone put an end to that."

"You are treading very close to a dangerous decision. I'm asking you to choose wisely."

Elijah said as he walked up closer. Marcel looked down at the vial in his hand.

"Fair enough."

Marcel went to open the vial but Niklaus tried to stop him. Marcel threw Klaus and he groaned as he fell to the floor.

"You can't stop me, Klaus!"

Things started to get heated between the both of them so I walked near Elijah.

"Don't you get it? Whatever I have to do Klaus, I will find a way to hurt you! You will never be safe as long as I'm alive."

Marcel stated as he pointed at himself.

"You can call me family all you want but I am done being your friend."

Marcel grabbed Klaus by his shirt.

"From this day forward I am nothing less but your worst--"

Marcel stopped all of a sudden. I looked next to me and Elijah wasn't there. I got closer and gasped. Elijah pulled out his heart and Marcel fell over the bridge and down the water.


Niklaus yelled as he got close to the bridge where Marcel fell. Elijah panted as Niklaus exhaled. Niklaus went down near the water and Elijah followed. I was surprised at what Elijah had done.

"You have to kill them. They killed your sister. Niklaus took away Kol." A voice was talking to me in my head.

"N-no. They are all I have."

"Hurt them now."

"I-I can't."

"They are a bombination."

"Get out of my head!"

I quickly started crying and panicking.


I looked up to see Klaus.

"H-help me." I pleaded to Klaus.

"Kill him."

"With what?"

"The v-voices. They won't stop!"

My breathing was unsteady and my eyesight was getting blurry from the tears in my eyes. I felt as if I was gonna faint. I started to fall to the ground but Klaus grabbed and my eyes closed, only seeing darkness. The last thing I heard was Niklaus voice, calling out to me....

Stella's Pov:

I sat on the couch, staring at the fire. I looked to my right and Elijah walked into the room.


He looked distraught and it looked like he was going to cry. I was worried. He walked closer to me and I stood up. He got on his knees as his breath was unsteady. There was blood on his hand.

"Forgive me."

"What happened? Tell me please."

"It's Marcel."

He started to sob as he told me what happened.

"I took his life."

I quickly walked over to him and hugged him as if my life depended on it.


I walked up to Klaus, near the porch.

"I assume Elijah told you. So, you understand why I prefer to be alone."

"He's hurting too Klaus, more than you know."

"And had it been your daughters heart, would you still defend him?"

"Don't use my daughter."

"Marcel was a son to me."

"Freya showed me what a Elijah saw. The prophecies haven't been wrong once."

Niklaus started to quickly walk away. I turned around.

"Klaus, after everything that you have done, all the people that have threatened, torture, killed. All the things you had put him through. He had always forgiven you."

Niklaus turned around to look at me.

"You have to forgive him."

"You sound like Camille."

Niklaus walked away as I stared at him.


I walked in a room I see Elijah standing in front of a fireplace.

"It was the only way to be sure Elijah. And Niklaus, I think a part of him knows that already. But more than anything, you have to forgive yourself."

Elijah walked passed me. I turned around and he looked at me. He quickly walked back over to me and kissed me on the lips. All of a sudden I felt something between my legs. I looked down.

"My water broke. The baby is coming."

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