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Sommer's Pov:

I woke up in an alley way. I looked at my surroundings. I was all alone. Then I remembered why and how I got here. Where the hell did Kol go? And who the fuck snapped my neck? As soon as I got up I vampire sped to the Mikaelson's. I saw Stella, Elijah, Rebekah, Niklaus, Freya, and Henrik.

"Sommer, where were you?"

"Someone snapped my neck and I think someone took Kol."

"Did you find him?"

"I did but the problem was he had a black stake in his chest."

"Black stake?"

"Yeah. Are we done here? I have to find Davina."

"Why her?"

I turned around and started to walk to the front door.

"To kill her."

"Woah! Sommer! Stop!"

I stopped and turned around.

"You cant do that."

"And why not? She's the reason Kol and I had a fight in the first place! None of you can't stop me!"

"You can't go alone!"

"Watch me."

I said as I walked out the door. I vampire sped to Davina's place. I knocked on her door. Marcel answered.

"Ah, Marcel, nice to see you. Where's Davina?"

"Have you been crying Sommer? Are you okay?"

"Don't try to change the subject Marcellus."

He gave me a serious look when I said his name."

"How'd you-"

"Doesnt matter. Now don't make me fucking ask again."

Marvel moved out of the way and I walked in.

"Davina! Where the hell are you?"

"I'm right here. What do you want."

I walked up to her.

"What the fuck did you tell Kol? He's pissed and now me and him aren't talking caise of you! Whatever the fuck you told him he believed you and now he's missing cause some people took him! Now speak before I rip your damn head off!"

"What do you mean someone took him?"

"Meaning I tried to save his ass but he was taken away from me!"

I could feel tears coming down my cheeks.

"I don't understand why you would come between us Davina! I am the happiest when I am with him! For once in my life, I am not miserable!"

"You took him away from me!"

"No I did not! He broke up with you and left you cause you cheated on him! I was there for him when nobody was! So you can't tell me that I stole him away from you! You drove him away!"

I sighed as more tears came down my cheek.

"I love him Davina and he's the only guy that I have ever loved in my life. He was there for me in ways no one could be there for me. Why can't you see that?"

Davina just stared at me and then sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize-"

"That's the thing Davina....you aren't sorry and you don't ever realize anything. Now Kol is missing because of you. Clearly me staying here and arguing with you isn't getting me no where, so I'm leaving."

I vampire sped out of there as I cried my eyes out.


"So the people that took Kol are called the Strix."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"The Strix were the oldest society of vampires in existence, which was founded in the Middle Ages by Elijah. The Strix were made up exclusively of vampires from Elijah's sireline."

"So why are they here?"

"To get revenge on all of us."

"Is that why they took Kol."

"Part of it, yes. They went to kill all of us. But if Elijah dies then they could die. So, most likely they want to put us all to sleep."

"I don't understand. Why do this now?"

"Maybe they planned this all out first and recruited everyone. I'm not sure, but we will find Kol and if not then I will be killing all of these bitches. Cause they seem like they want these problems."


"What? Sorry, got carried away."

"How are we going to find Kol?"

"I'm not sure. Freya tried to look for him on a map that she had and did a spell but it wasn't working. It was like as if he was no where on the map."

"That doesn't help my anxiety here."

"I know, I'm freaking out too."

Well, don't. You are pregnant and don't need to be stressed about anything. By the way, how far along are you?"

"About 3 months, but supernatural pregnancy goes faster than regular pregnancy. So that means this baby is going to be popping out in like a month or two."

"Oh damn."

"Yeah, I know. What I really need to do is figure out the gender. But I kind of want to wait and let it be a surprise when the baby pops out. You know?"

"Uh yeah. You know, I'm just going to get some sleep."


I vampire sped to Kol's room and closed the door behind me. Kol had a mini fridge filled with blood bags. Don't know why he did, he usually just drinks straight from a human. I grabbed a blood bag and started drinking from it.

When I finished it I threw it away. All of a sudden there was s feeling in my stomach. I felt like I had to throw up. I quickly ran to the toilet and through up what I had. Which was just blood. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Ugh, gross. Was the blood like expired or something?"

Can blood even get expired? Who knows? I mean, I did eat earlier. Was it food poisoning? Can hybrids get food poisoning?

When I finished puking my guts out, I brushed my teeth and lied down in Kol's bed. I thought about him as I started drifting off.

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