Blame it on me

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| Ethan's POV |

I haven't seen Emma since I held her in the back of James' car as we drove her to the hospital weeks ago and I haven't slept since either.

The way her eyes rolled into the back of her head still replays in my head.

"Gray" I say stopping him spooning a mouthful of cereal into his mouth "tell me it's not my fault"

Grayson lets his arms drop to the table with a straight face, I know I just asked him to tell me that but truthfully it will never stop me believing it.

"E, it wasn't your fault. At all. One day that prick will be brought down for all his wrong doings and maybe then you'll realise that you couldn't have done anything" I don't reply I just hum back and look straight forward at nothing in particular. The guilt was eating me up inside

"I wonder if she's okay right now, dude" I say dreamily

"Oh shit dude have you not been on YouTube recently?" My brother asks and I snap myself out of my trance and scowl at him before standing up from the table.

I take a seat at my desk, clicking the YouTube app upon my computer and sure enough she pops up straight away. She looks happy, her face is healed and her video is like her usual joking self.

I lean back and find myself watching her with a smile as the video proceeds

"She looks good, right?" Grayson speaks up from behind me. I laugh and turn to him,

"Yeah" I sigh in a happy state "she looks real good"

It's silent for a while but my brother stays lingering around me, he keeps glancing at his phone and smirking. What was he up to?

"Okay E" he finally announces pushing his phone into his sweat pants pocket "do you want the good news or the bad news?"

I spin round in my twirly chair and cross my arms

"Why does everything have to have a catch" I grumble and he shoots me a playful smile "fine hit me with the good news"

"We're collabing today again so you don't have to think of any video ideas"

I groan, I really wasn't in the mood to film. But saying that, I hadn't been in the mood ever since our viewers increased to an incredible following.

"Bad news?" I mumble

"You have no time to get changed into something nicer because we're going now" Grayson beams, I look down at my sweats and back up at him wearing something pretty similar. I don't understand why that's bad news for me and not for him "Oh and we're collabing with James andddddd Emma" he sings with a goofy smile before speeding away.


I look down at my clothes, shit this really was bad news.

I run after my brother who is already starting up the car. Frantically I look from my clothes to my brother and then to the car seat thinking, fuck it, let's just go.

"Why does she want to even speak to us, Gray?" I question swinging myself in. It seems a little sus that she disappeared for so long because of the video and now she wants to film a video that will simply bring more comments.

"Man, what if she wants to rekindle shit?" Gray says excitedly staring at the road as he swings round a corner

"What if I don't want to?" I reply harshly staring out the window

"Woah woah woah what the fuck bro?" Grayson snaps pulling up onto James' drive "why wouldn't you after years of feeling like shit without her?"

"What if I've had enough of feeling like shit because of her, Grayson, huh?" I ask clenching my jaw, I don't know what I'm saying. It's hurting to say it, so why am I carrying on?

"Are you fucking joking? You're going to repeat everything that happened in high school?" He laughs but it's angrily. I can tell it's annoying him that I'm being like this but for some reason I can't help it.

I know I'll change my mind and run straight back to her when I walk in that door and see her smiling little face. Just the thought makes me warm.

Grayson grabs hold of the door about to push himself out of the car, but does a double take and turns back round to me

"Don't you dare hurt her again, Ethan. Don't start teasing and insulting her. Don't do it" he clenches his jaw as he speaks and shakes his head in disappointment "don't do it, bro" he repeats before leaving me sat in the car.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now