Um we dont stan

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| Emma's POV |

As soon as we finished filming I started to basically cough the whole of my insides up so I retired to Ethan's bed and here I lay completely snuggly and warm.

"Emma" calls Grayson swinging round the door frame to look at me "me and E are gonna go to the warehouse, we have something to shoot. Are you going to be okay on your own here?" He asks and I shuffle myself up the backboard to look at him

"Yeah" I croak "I'll be fine"

"We'll be back in like 2 hours and then I might even make you some warm soup" Grayson smiles running a hand through his styled hair. He looks so tall from this position and it makes me giggle

"Yeah sounds good, Gray, thank you" I grin back and he sends me a small wink before leaving.

The door clicks shut and I already feel lonely, I miss Ethan and I'm partially sad that he didn't say goodbye to me before they left. I close my eyes and snuggle deeper into the pillows and the warmth sends me off into a deep sleep

I hear the keys in the door and it clicks open but I'm physically too tired to shout for the twins. I really hope that Ethan comes in and kisses me or at least gives me a hug because I honestly feel like shit right now.

Everything's okay until there's a call through the house,


It's a girl voice and as soon as I hear it my eyes burst open and I spring to life. I look around at the possible places I could hide, maybe the closet? But I'm too late because the person slams open Ethan's bedroom door.

It's a girl. She has long blonde hair, she's extremely skinny and she is wearing tight black jeans and a baggy red jumper that looks like the collar has been chewed. She's pretty, no denying that.

"Why the fuck are you here?" She snarls.

Welp, a pretty face but a vile personality.

"I could ask you the same thing" I argue back looking her up and down as I hold Ethan's quilt up to cover my body.

The girl looks around the bedroom with a smirk and runs her hand across the wall. I sit in the bed shaking in fright, as she nears Ethan's wardrobe and pulls out an orange jumper

"Mhm my favourite" she inhales bringing it to her nose to smell it, she then folds it over her arm.

She turns to look at me with a devilish smile, she notices my phone strewn upon the end of the bed and swiftly picks it up. I open my mouth to say something but I don't know what so I just... shut it.

"You're Emma?" She asks flicking her eyes up from my phone screen to me. I don't know how she got that from the sunset that is set as my lock screen. "You're the one he hates, so why are you laid in his bed?" She asks finally throwing my phone down carelessly

"I-I-" truthfully I don't know what to say "who are you?" I ask bypassing her question all together

"His girlfriend silly, well, ex if you call not sleeping together for a week a break up" she smirks with an eyebrow raise. My stomach begins to roll at the thought of Ethan and the beautiful girl in front of me together.

I'm nothing compare to her.

"You're not half as ugly as he made you out to be" she giggles but it's a psychotic laugh and it makes my hairs stand on end. It feels like there's a sharp stab in my heart every time she speaks.

Does he really think I'm ugly?

She swings the orange jumper over her shoulder and takes a step forward

"The names Meredith to answer your question" she says flippantly before bouncing herself down on the bed "and I'll ask you one more fucking time. Why are you in Ethan's bed?"

I open my mouth to speak but she lunges forward and grips her acrylics round my neck as if to choke me

"YOU WHORE" she screeches before letting her face drop back to normal "have you fucked him yet?" She asks and I shake my head as she lets out a laugh "hahahHAHAHAHA" her laughs grow as she releases my neck from her grip "You're not a threat then, he fucks people on the first date if he likes them and you- you're obviously not worthy"

Or I'm not a slut, I feel like shouting but my throat feels sore enough.

She flicks off her shoes and crosses her legs on the bed. It's intimidating how friendly she's being and I gulp down my anxiety.

"You're not his type" she hums looking me up and down "he deserves better"

I can't disagree with her because it's exactly what I've been thinking, he's a god and I'm.... me.

"Well I've got what I needed, bye sweetie, I'll text you" she winks standing up from the bed and strutting out leaving me completely speechless.

So let me get this straight.

Ethan has a girlfriend who has her own key and I'm laid in his fucking bed waiting for him to come home like he actually fucking likes me.


Suddenly I'm sobbing uncontrollably and I'm missing breaths as my chest bounces. And I don't stop not even when I get a loud notification from my phone signifying that i had just gotten a message.

Unknown number}
I'm still in shock at how vile you are

Unknown number}
Ethan deserves better sis. Maybe you should just disappear xo

Unknown number}
No seriously, Emma, kill yourself.

It was that message that sent me over the edge, completely broken I stand from the bed and throw my phone back towards the bed headboard. I don't even pick it back up before I sprint out of the house, in any direction with tears stinging my cheeks.

I am vile.
Ethan does deserve better.
And maybe I should just end it all.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now