What the fuck does a baby need?

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(A/N thought I'd tell you that I woke up to all ur comments this morning and fully cried. Thank you <3)

| Emma's POV |

We're shopping, out in the public, in a baby shop. Crazy right? Why the fuck are we so brave today?? Um hello????

"If we carry on looking at theses shoes, Em, I think I'm going to breakdown into tears" Ethan chuckles coming from behind me and wrapping both his arms around my waist, while resting his chin on my shoulder.

We'd only shopped online up to now so I'm really taking in the feeling of running my fingers over the clothes, admiring how tiny they are.

"Ethan oh my" I coo rubbing a teddy bear onesie between my thumb and index finger, it's possibly the cutest things I've ever seen

"I'll buy it you" Ethan beams nodding towards the teddy, I pick it up off of the rack and he brings me into his chest and proceeds to rub the soft material too "we're gonna need two of them, Bub" he reminds.

He pays for them both, never stopping smiling the whole time. He tells me that we're going to remember this forever, the first things we bought them in the flesh.

When we get in the car, Ethan suggests just going for a ride so we can talk about things. He slides a hand upon my leg and I place my hand upon his lovingly.

"What's it feel like?" He asks dumbly and I scowl across at him and he laughs, shaking his head "like is it uncomfortable?"

"Yes very" I say in a duh tone of voice and he squeezes my thigh as an apology "so you still think it's girls?" I question watching as we drive past a beach.

"At least one of them" he nods "maybe both"

"Or we could've both been right with our first predictions?"

"Maybe baby" he smiles turning the car wheel smoothly "as long as they're healthy I don't care...does this even feel real to you?" He asks and I look down at our hands.

"Honestly no" I mumble moving my eyes down to my stomach, I'm getting bigger. It's inevitable I know that but I still hate it "I don't want to wake up if it isn't real though" I whisper and he scowls and looks across at me.

"Really?" He's in disbelief mainly because I'd been so in denial so far that he would've thought that if I had the chance to change all of this, that I would.

I wouldn't.

"Of course" I smile finally looking up towards him with a genuine smile and he does an excited squeal and my heart melts "we need to start buying things, because I already feel fucking shit"

He pulls up on the top of a high hill which overlooks the whole city, I don't know how it's gotten so dark but the street lights look so pretty.

"We'll sort it" he promises turning himself in the car to look towards me with a devilish smirk.

"Oh god what?" I smile moving myself to look at him as he plunges his hand into his pocket to fish out his phone, he presses a few keys and then pauses.

"I know that we've not told Sarah or Lexi, but there's one person I really want to tell" he smiles and I scowl but he presses the call button and I watch as the unknown number rings and rings and rings until it's finally picked up.

"Ethan! I've been stood by the phone all afternoon what's so important?" Asks the females voice, I wonder if it's a family member but I can't put my finger on it.

We've already told our families, they were briefly excited but returned back to their hectic lives, we don't mind, we have Grayson, James and the girls. I'm content with the family I've chosen so no hard feelings.

"I want to tell you something-" he begins looking up from the phone to watch as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "-I'm with Emma in the car right now"

"Emma? Emma Chamberlain? etHAN" the woman squeals "am I on speaker?"

"Yeah you are, we're both here, you can say hi" Ethan answers and I subconsciously move forward to hear her voice as she speaks.

"Hi Emma, it's Miss Sage, remember me?"

"REMEMBER YOU? ARE YOU CRAZY OF COURSE! I MISS YOU, HI" My eyes are wide and so is my smile, I'm so excited to hear her now recognisable voice. Ethan watches with a big beam as I excitedly clap.

As if she thought I'd forget my school mom, the one who helped me through the whole of high school, the one who started me and Ethan.

"I thought I should thank you, for forcing me to be nice to my girlfriend" Ethan smirks and I giggle as Miss Sage gasps through the phone.

"I KNEW IT!! I FREAKING KNEW IT!!! Um you're welcome??" I can tell that she's smiling through the phone and my heart swells, I miss her. I reach out and interlock mine and Ethan's free hands and he squeezes it.

We're so happy talking to a teacher, we're such dorks.

"I feel like a proud mom" she laughs "are you living with each other? What are you doing with your lives? Can we catch up? Will you come and see me soon?" She sounds like such a stereotypical mother and I can't help but smile.

"Yeah we're both here in LA" I answer towards the phone.

"It's not just getting us together that I need to thank you for either-" he smiles "-you helped me realise my passion for videography and editing. That's what we're both doing right now, I guess we're famous?" Ethan chuckles and he bites his lip to stop himself from crying.

Holy shit he really made it.

"Mr Dolan, don't you dare make me cry" Miss Sage orders "it was a pleasure, to know and teach both of you. No matter how much trouble you caused" she sounds like she's laughing through tears and my emotional ass starts to tear up too.

"Miss Sage-" Ethan starts looking across at me, he wipes a tear from my cheek with a smile "-there's something else"

"What is it dear?" She asks and he chews his lip and I nod him on to tell her.

"Emma's pregnant, twins, were having twins"

The line is silent until you can hear her let out a loud sob. She shouts for her partner to come and listen to the phone call. She explains briefly that we are the couple she forced together in health class and he says that he remembers us fondly.

"I'm so happy for you" she finishes "you must send me photos of your little cuties when they're born"

"Of course" Ethan agrees, we've been talking for a long while now.

"Have you got name ideas?" Miss Sage asks and just as Ethan's about to say no, I interrupt him

"Actually yeah we have"

Ethan raises an eyebrow with a smirk that screams TELL ME.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now