'Parenthood with the Sister Squad'

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(A/N sorry I haven't posted yet. I've been at my aunties funeral <3
Because bribery works I'd like to dedicate this chapter to a few people who have supported this book so much it's amazing

| Ethan's POV |

"What's up guys we're BACK and today we're joined by..." Grayson introduces


"I'm Emma" she croaks with a slight wave "I'm also sick" her leg is bouncing up and down and I can tell that she's anxious about filming this

"As you've read the title you know what's up" I chuckle, throwing my arm over Grayson who laughs too and says,

"We're gonna fight for who's the most daddy"

"Um hello? And mommy" James whines

"Yeah don't forget about us!" Emma frowns and I flash her a smile but stop myself before it's weird.

"We're picking out of a hat for our other half.... ew it's gonna be weird if we get each other" Grayson sucks in looking at me in complete disgust. He produces a flat cap that holds four pieces of folded paper

"Me first!" James squeals clapping his hands together. He dives his hand in and picks out a piece slowly unfolding it to start up the tension "Grayson!" He shouts throwing his hands over my brother in excitement as he pulls an awkward face.

Me and Emma share a look and I want to stay there forever but I know I need to move on and fast

"So that leaves me and Emma" I announce as if it's not already obvious.

James disappears out of shot and we watch him as he presents us with two boxes. Gray counts down from five and at one we lift the lid of the box to see a very life like baby laid in it. A flood of memories wipe my brain and I try to shake it away.

I lean over to Emma, cover my mouth from the camera and whisper

"It's not as pretty as our Luna is it" and she does the cutest giggle and shakes her head.

"We're calling our baby Mary" Grayson smirks towards the camera and James slaps him

"GrAySoN" He screeches, Gray just shrugs and tells the camera that it was named after his mother, flashback Mary.

"We're calling ours-" I pause not knowing what to say but Emma has an idea immediately

"Nicki" she smirks remembering straight back to the first day of getting Luna all those years ago "Nicki Minaj jr" she laughs and I almost have a second where I close my eyes and get lost in it.

"We'll see who's better parents" James says crossing his arms trying to be intimidating

"Come on, we've got some parenting to do" Emma smiles pulling me from James and off camera with the little strength she owns.

I whip out my vlogging camera and before I press play I bring Emma closer to me with my arm around her waist. She smiles up towards me as she leans her hands comfortably against my chest

"This is all too familiar" I whisper and she nods not breaking eye contact with me, oh god I want to kiss her so bad right now.

"Yeah but did we get to do this?" She asks in her still sick voice, standing on her tip toes and placing a firm kiss upon my jawline

"I think you'll find we did, Chambie" I say with a twitching smirk and she hums into the next few kisses that she peppers down my neck.

Just as I begin to crave more, she pulls away and nods for me to turn on the camera which I do in a huff because I would much rather make out with her right now.

I almost forget that my arms around her but quickly pull it away leaving her to stand and cradle the baby in the background of my shot.

"This isn't fair, Emma's too good of a mom!" James shouts of his babies cries as he aggressively rocks it from side to side

"Suck it fatties" she fires back bringing her tongue out at him

"Oh fuck you, Emma" James groans literally tossing the baby to Grayson who skilfully catches it

"Don't speak to my wife like that!" I playfully shout back pushing Emma behind me and getting into a boxing stance.

"JAMES DID YOU FORET TO FEED THE BABY" Grayson bellows as they walk away and me and Emma share a knowing glance with a giggle.

I set the camera up in front of us and Emma sits the baby on her lap and I sit deadly close to her, centimetres away from touching her.

"We're so winning" I whisper into the camera and she agrees

"We don't even need to send off for the results... THEY FUCKING STARVED THEIR BABY FOR THE FULL DAY" she says throwing her head backwards as she laughs and I do the opposite, flinging myself forward as I laugh.

She instinctively strokes the baby's hair and I watch her as she does it, it's points like this that I want to tell her that I love her but I refrain myself from doing so and just watch her in awe.

"So that's the day done" Grayson says clasping his hands together and looking across at all of us with a tired look. James looks like he's ran his fingers through his hair multiple times. Me and Emma however look completely sane.

"This one snapshot shows how the whole day planned out for us doesn't it" I giggle and Emma nods next to me as James rubs his eyes tiredly.

"I never want babies anyway... this was a shit idea" James moans

"IT WAS YOUR IDEA" we all shout in sync, then falling into hysterics

"I still want babies" Emma grins and my heart melts

"Me too" I smile trying to keep contact with the camera and not allow my gaze to trail to the beautiful girl next to me

"I want babies" Grayson sulks "I'm good with real life ones" he insists and I shake my head and look towards the camera

"We all saying it together?" I ask and they nod before we shout,


𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now