Friends that fight together, stay together.

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| Ethan's POV |

Grayson and I try our hardest to get Emma's shaking frail body inside before the following car skids in behind us, but it's too late.

The car breaks and out steps the two people I possibly hate the most. I instinctively pull Emma as close to me as possible, I pull her head into my side to shield her vision so that she doesn't see the man that tormented her so viciously.

Another car skids in behind that one and I recognise it as Emma's, it's driven by the new girl Lexi and it looks like she's just finished off a phone call. She slams the car door shut behind her and leans against the car to analyse both Lauren and Aaron from behind.

"Give me my girl and we'll go" Aaron shouts across at me and I tighten my grip on Emma.

"Get the fuck away" Grayson snarls and Aaron laughs so evilly that it sends my hairs to stand on end.

"Take one step closer and I'll slit your fucking throat" I find myself saying and the violence of my words makes Emma loosen her tight grip on me and tumble a little backwards.

She has no idea how much I'd do for her.

"You're a pussy Ethan, everyone knows it" Lauren shouts stepping forward with Aaron to her right.

"That's not what Aaron thought when he fled the country the first time, sis, whether he came back to fuck Grayson's seconds or not"

I spin on my heels in disbelief to see Emma as she finishes her sentence. Never have I ever been more shocked at something she's said.

Emma has her fists clenched and I can almost hear her loud thoughts as they tell her to try and be brave, it must be hard and my heart aches for her.

Lauren stumbles back as if the words have simply pushed her backwards. Emma then instinctively takes a step forward and I admire her bravery.

I don't know how I'm in such a close proximity with Aaron without murdering him but I force myself not to look at him because being in jail right now was not where I want to be.

"Are we still salty about that?" Aaron laughs looking towards my brother who grits his teeth.

"Not really I heard she'd cheated that much that her pussy felt like throwing a quarter down a well" Sarah snaps stepping forward to stand in line with Emma like a crazy battle formation.

Grayson is shook, especially when Emma carries on

"Mhm yeah... disappointing" the way she whispers it really affects Lauren and her mouth gapes.

Aaron lunges forward and snatches Emma by the wrist, her breath hitches and before I have chance to rag him off of her and beat his face till he's black and blue- this crazy bitch Lexi whacks him round the head with Emma's car keys.

It all happens pretty quickly and it's pretty anticlimactic, he pulls away from Emma and reaches for his head where the keys and key rings had pierced his skin and had made blood rise to the surface.

Sarah takes this time to pull Emma into her side to protect her, but fuck right now I don't think she needs it.

Me and Gray who were supposed to be the men stereotypically saving and protecting Emma had literally just been put to shame.

"I love you, beautiful, please don't do this" Aaron whimpers.

Fucking pussy his wounds weren't even intense.

The fact that he says that he loves her, though, does rial me up and I rush closer towards him but Sarah outspreads her arm to stop me from attacking.

"Don't do what, huh? Hurt you? Wow" Emma laughs and runs her hand over her head, I watch as she winces but doesn't stop there "I know, how could anyone ever hurt someone they love?" she snarls sarcastically but I can tell she's back to being more fearful by the way that she's clinging to Sarah.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going?" Sarah shouts towards Lauren who is slowly backing her way towards the car they had come in. She isn't so fucking strong when her fuck buddy is being defeated.

"I'm sorry okay, just let me go and I swear I'll leave you alone" Lauren whimpers as the girls all exchange glances before Emma shrugs.

"If I see you again I hope it'll be in the court of law, bitch" Lexi shouts and I begin to scowl as do the rest of the girls do before in the distance there's a small hum of a siren.

I swear to fuck I feel like I'm in a movie, no way would that coincidentally happen just as she says that line.

"May I?" Sarah asks Emma and she nods her on, before she swings back her fist and hits Aaron directly in his nose "that's for messing with my baby, Em. You want a go, Lexi?"

"Eh I've done what I needed to do" she shrugs before turning to me "I'd ask you if you want a go, but I want him to still have his vision when he see the place he's going"

I nod the girl on with a smile, she truly was remarkable. I'm not quite sure how she had pulled it all together but the police were nearing and even if he wasn't to be locked up he would be monitored and kept away from my baby and hell that was good enough.

"Emma, anything to say?" Sarah asks and Emma shakes her head and steps back, I can see as the tears glisten in her eyes as the sirens grow louder and the multiple police cars block our entrance.

As the men bustle Aaron into the back of their car I engulf Emma into the tightest hug as she sobs that she's finally free, it feels like a weight has been lifted.

She then pulls from me covering her mouth and then sprints back into the house. We all exchange glances as she disappears into the house before following her.

The bathroom door is locked and I can audibly hear her as she vomits. I can't imagine the stress of that whole situation so I tell her that we're all here for her through the door.

"So how'd you pull that off?" Sarah asks Lexi who smirks a little and then shakes her head

"It was all James" she states and I look to Grayson and then back at the girl "I rang him on the way here to ask who the fuck Aaron was and it turns out that mother fucking legend had documented everything he'd done to Emma with picture evidence and everything. The cops were already on standby"

I rub my temple and look up to the sky as if to thank god.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now