Chapter 1

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Angie's POV

I was just sitting there not knowing what to do, feeling alone and hurt. Just thinking what would happened next. I didn't know how I actually felt about him, You all probably wondering who him is.

him is German, Yes my brother in law who says he loves me one minute but the next he is going out with another lady. A couple of months ago I ran away to France but he found me. I went back with him to Argentina only to find out that he was going to marry someone else so I left again. and that's where I am up to now.

It has been three months, My head was hurts thinking should I go or should I stay. Three months no phone calls no texts, no Anything. I wonder does he care, I don't think he does or he would of come to find me like the last time.

"German doesn't care" I said aloud, That's when it came to that I was sitting in the middle of a shopping centre and all the people just stared at me thinking who's German?, What's she going on about?.

I stood up from where I was sitting and began to walk home. It has been three months since I left Buenos Aires, I am now in Norway. I have a small apartment in the local town and I have it my own special touch. But as I walked in through the door I flopped on to the sofa still thinking should I stay or should I go?. For the rest of the night I did nothing just think. I hesitated to phone him a couple of times but I never did, I just wanted him to phone me, at least then I would of known where I stood with him.

I was falling asleep when my phone vibrated on the counter of my kitchen. I ran up to it thinking it was him, I open the text to reveal that it was ....

A text message from Vodafone saying that I have free text messages this weekend.

I sat back down feeling kind of sad, I had no one to talk to and nothing to do. I just sat there staring at the wall.

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