Chapter 4

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German's POV

I go to the kitchen when I see my phone on the kitchen bench.

"Hm I can't remember I had my phone here, I thought It was in my office" I say to myself.

Then I take the phone and see that Angie has been calling me and I have taken it, that was strange cuz I haven't take a call from her today.

Maybe I should call her and ask who answered the phone when see rang me earlier today.

I decide to call her. I start type in her number and then presses the call button.

It starts to ring a few times, then I hear her beautiful voice.

*Phone call*

"Hello, who is it?" Angie ask.

"Hello Angie, It's German I saw you called me earlier today and that someone had taken the phone. Do you know who It was?" I ask.

"Yes, It was your girlfriend" Angie says a bit angry.

"What my girlfriend, I don't have a girlfriend" I say confused.

"Uhm, that was strange cuz It was a lady that took your phone and said she's your girlfriend" Angie says.

Then It comes to me. Priscilla!

"Anyway I don't have a girlfriend. But what do you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask.

"Just forget It, It wasn't something important" Angie says quickly.

"Yes It was important Angie, all you say is important" I say.

"No just forget it" Angie says.

"No I won't forget it, but If you don't want to say It I respect that. But please listen to what I have to say" I say.

"Okey German, but hurry up" Angie says.

"Okey Angie, so what I want to tell you Is that I'm so sorry for all I've ever done to you like hurting you and things like that, but the truth is that I have always loved you and always will. I know I'm such a dork, but please forgive me" I says nervous.

"What about the date with the beautiful lady you talked about German?" Angie says angry.

"Angie the truth is that I was trying to go out with another lady named Priscilla to get over you, but I couldn't get over you and I don't want to either. I love you Angie Carrara" I say.

"Sorry German I have to go" Angie says and hangs up.

*End call*

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