Chapter 3

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Angie's POV -

After a few minutes of staring at my wall my phone begins to ring, The first thought that came to me was, It better not be the phone company again, I stood up and walked over to the phone and picked it up. I read the name and then read it again and again.


****** Phone Call*******

"Angie!" He said, I didn't know what to say. I don't actually think I am ready to talk to him yet. What am I going to do.

"No, This isn't Angie, this is .... Miranda" I said panicky.

"Oh sorry, Wrong number" He said, He sounded disappointed.

******* End call*********

I then put the phone down, I felt really guilty, Now what am I going to do I thought. Should I ring him back or leave it.

After debating with myself thinking of the good things and the bad things I finally decided I have to call him back and I thought the worst that could happen is that he is getting married but maybe he might come and get me or come and see me. Who knows it's all down to this phone call. I looked at the clock it would be about 8 in buenos aires.

I picked up my phone and typed in his number and then pressed the green phone, It started to ring a few times, I had that feeling in my stomach that he wasn't going to answer. But just as it was going to ring for the last time someone answered.

It was a lady

******** Phone Call ********

"Hello?" The lady said,

"Hi, I am just wondering is German Castillo there?" I asked,

"He is a bit busy right now but I am his girlfriend do you want me to pass a message?" She asked, and there you go I knew it he has moved on.

"No there's no need to, thanks anyway" I said and then put the phone down.

There's my answer then, He has moved on, Maybe it's time for me to move on for once and move on from the past.

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