Chapter 11

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Angies POV-

German still had his arms around my waist, We heard a gasp, that's what interrupted us, but he still held my waist.

He lossen his grip so I turned around. I saw Olga. She was standing there oblivious shocked.


German let out a slight giggle and I just went bright red. I only remember then that Olga hasn't been here for the last few days so she does know that I had come back or that me and German are together.

After half an hour of explaining, Olga finally understood what was happening. She went back to the kitchen. German held my waist again and then kissed me.

"So can I take my beautiful Girlfriend out on a date then?" He said with that smile that always melts my heart.

"Of course you can" I said and I pulled away from him,

"I am going to get ready then" I said as I made my way up the stairs.

When I got to the top I went straight to Violetta's room and I asked her could she help me get ready, She said yes straight away.

She looked in my wardrobe at the clothes I left here when I went away and then she looked in my suitcase.

She picked out the dress that I wore to her birthday party that was a few days after I became her tutor. She handed it to me and said "I remember dad saying that you looked beautiful in this".

"Thanks for the help Vilu" I said as she walked out my room.

I got changed and did my hair the same as I did that day.

I did some finishing touches and then I was done. Ready for my date.

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